活動日期: 2019年10月8日(星期二) 全天,上午8:00-8:30報到
Date: Tuesday, 8 October 2019, Reception from 8:00-8:30am

同步口譯: 會議以中英文進行,現場備有同步口譯設備,憑個人證件免費借用。
Language: English and Chinese. Simultaneous interpretation equipment is available with photo ID.

活動介紹 About the forum

全球汽車電動化的趨勢方興未艾。 2018年,插電式油電混合車與純電動車全球銷售超過170萬輛,較2017年增加近40%。據麥肯錫(McKinsey )預測,2020年全球純電動車產量將達350萬輛,2025年達到1480萬輛。電動化也是其他未來汽車發展趨勢(如自駕車與車聯網)的先決條件。因此,全球各大車廠皆宣佈在2022年前積極推出電動車的計劃。


此研討會由歐洲商會智能移動委員會、經濟部工業局、環保署、交通部、歐洲經貿辦事處共同合作,邀集國內外專家分享歐洲與台灣在推動新能源車相關政策與最佳案例的經驗,探討兩大主題: 1)政府政策,2)充電基礎設施和商業模式。期許促進產、官、學、研之間的交流,透過討論和合作,尋找可行的解決方案,使台灣順利迎向汽車電動化的未來。

The global market for vehicle electrification is expanding. In 2018, more than 1.7 million plug-in and battery electric vehicles were sold worldwide, a nearly 40% increase over 2017. According to McKinsey, the global production of battery electric vehicles is estimated to reach 3.5 million in 2020 and 14.8 million by 2025. Electrification is also considered the prerequisite of other major trends of automotive, such as autonomous driving and connected vehicles. Major global automakers have announced aggressive plans for launching electric vehicles by 2022.

The shift away from internal combustion engines to electric vehicles will have significant consequences for both the automotive assembly and parts manufacturing industries. This trend will disrupt not only existing industries, but also regulatory supervision, infrastructure, energy supply, service providers, consumer behaviour and many others. To embrace this trend, there are major challenges to overcome.

Arranged by the ECCT’s Mobility Committee in partnership with the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ Industrial Development Bureau, the Environmental Protection Administration, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and the European Economic and Trade Office, the forum aims to offer international insights and best practices on two crucial topics of New Energy Vehicle (NEV) development: 1) Policies, and 2) Charging infrastructure & business models. In so doing, the forum aims to encourage exchanges, discussions, and cooperation between government agencies and industry players in an attempt to identify feasible solutions to make Taiwan’s path to vehicle electrification a smooth one.



Registration 報到 (30min)

Opening remarks 開幕致詞 (25min)

Lin Chia-lung

Lin Chia-lung, Minister, Ministry of Transportation and Communications
林佳龍 交通部部長

Chang Tzi-Chin

Shen Chih-Hsiu, Deputy Minister, Environmental Protection Administration
沈志修 環保署副署長

Leu Jang-Hwa

Leu Jang-Hwa, Director General, Industrial Development Bureau, MoEA
呂正華 經濟部工業局局長

Filip Grzegorzewski

Filip Grzegorzewski, Head of Office, European Economic and Trade Office
高哲夫 歐洲經貿辦事處處長

Henry Chang

Henry Chang, Vice Chairman, European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan
張瀚書 歐洲在臺商務協會副理事長

Group photo 團體照 (5min)

Morning Session: Policies, successful cases, and challenges

EU and Member States’ latest policies with an impact on NEV technologies & European Battery Alliance (35 min)

Ivonne Kaizeler

Ivone Kaizeler, Team Leader, Competitiveness and International matters, European Commission DG Grow
歐盟執委會成長總署 競爭力與國際事務組組長

European practices in promoting NEV and the industry insight (35 min)

Petr Dolejsi

Petr Dolejsi, Director Mobility and Sustainable Transport, European Automobile Manufacture’s Association (ACEA)
歐洲汽車製造商協會 移動與永續運輸部門總監

The Norwegian EV Story (45 min)

Christina Bu

Christina Bu, General Secretary of the Norwegian Electric Vehicle Association

Coffee Break 中場休息(10 min)

Electric Vehicle Policies and Achievements in Taiwan (15 min)

Jang-Hwa Leu

Leu Jang-Hwa, Director General, Industrial Development Bureau, MoEA
呂正華 經濟部工業局局長

Controlling Air Quality from Reducing Vehicle Pollution and Increasing Green Public Transportation (15 min)

Meng-yu Tsai

Tsai Meng-yu,Director, Department of Air Quality Protection & Noise Control, Environmental Protection Administration
蔡孟裕 環保署空氣品質保護及噪音管制處處長

Panel Discussion 專家座談 (45 min)

Moderator / 主持人:

Jang-Hwa Leu

Leu Jang-Hwa, Director General, Industrial Development Bureau, MoEA
呂正華 經濟部工業局局長

Panelists / 與談人:

Morning Session Speakers / 上午場講者

Hsin-Hsun Huang

Huang Hsin-Hsun, Deputy Director General of the Institute of Transportation (IOT), MOTC.
黃新薰 交通部運輸研究所副所長

Lunch Time 午餐時間

Afternoon Session I: Charging infrastructure & business models
下午場I: 充電設施及營運模式

Importance of a single Charging Standard for E-mobility & Smart Grid Integration to take off (30 min)

Jacques Borremans, Managing Director, CharIn Asia

DC Charging technologies overview (30 min)

Kumail Rashid

Kumail Rashid, Sales Manager, Electric Vehicle Charging, Asia Pacific, ABB

EV Revolution, a World Where Parking Is Charging (15 min)

John Wang

John Wang, Chairman, Noodoe Corporation
王景弘 拓連科技股份公司董事長

Panel Discussion 專家座談 (40 min)

Moderator / 主持人:

Petr Dolejsi

Petr Dolejsi, Director, Mobility and Sustainable Transport, European Automobile Manufacture’s Association (ACEA)
歐洲汽車製造商協會 移動與永續運輸部門總監

Panelists / 與談人:

Afternoon Session I Speakers / 下午場I 講者

Hua-Yu Lin

Lin Hua-Yu , Director, Metal and Mechanical Industries Division, Industrial Development Bureau, MoEA
林華宇 經濟部工業局金屬機電組組長

Hua-Yu Lin

Bureau of Standards , Metrology and Inspection, MoEA
經濟部標準檢驗局 (邀請中)

Coffee Break & Network 中場休息(25 min)

Afternoon Session II: Charging infrastructure & business models

Pilot Project in Japan: eCanter for logistics service (30 min)

Fumio Akikawa

Fumio Akikawa, Tech Adviser(diesel, EV), Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation (MFTBC)
秋川文雄 三菱扶桑卡客車有限公司技術顧問

Successful case of energy service model for e-scooter (15 min)

Yen-Yang Chen

Chen Yen-Yang, Marketing Director, Gogoro
陳彥揚 睿能創意股份有限公司行銷總監

Analysis and Planning Strategy of Electric Load for Domestic Electric Vehicles (15 min)

Wang Yao-ting

Wang Yao-ting, Vice President, Taiwan Power Company
王耀庭 臺灣電力公司副總經理

Panel Discussion 專家座談 (40 min)

Moderator / 主持人:

Chih-Wei Wu

John Wang, Chairman, Noodoe Corporation
王景弘 拓連科技股份公司董事長

Panelists / 與談人:

Afternoon Session II Speakers / 下午場II 講者

Hua-Yu Lin

Lin Hua-Yu, Director, Metal and Mechanical Industries Division, Industrial Development Bureau, MoEA
林華宇 經濟部工業局金屬機電組組長

Chih-Wei Wu

Wu Chih-Wei, Director, Electricity Division, Bureau of Energy, MoEA
吳志偉 經濟部能源局電力組組長

Closure 閉幕

VIP Dinner 晚宴 (reception at 18:30) ※By invitation only※



  1. 本活動報名截止日為2019年10月2日(星期三)。主辦單位將視報名狀況提前結束線上報名時間。

    The registration deadline is Wednesday, 2 October, 2019.

  2. 本活動為專業研討會,僅接受受邀單位預先線上報名並完成登錄手續。同一單位報名以1至2位為限,主辦單位將保留報名資格之最終審核權利。

    The forum is a professional event that only accept applicants who have been invited and have completed registration procedures. Each qualifying entity may register 1 or a maximum of 2 participants. The organizer reserves the right to restrict or approve the registrations of applicants.

  3. 因場地座位有限,本活動將由主辦單位進行出席資格審核,優先考量與主題相關之政府機關、研究單位與產業代表。通過審核者,系統將於2019年10月2日(三)前以電子郵件方式寄發含有報到編號的「報到通知」至您的電子信箱,以示您的出席資格。活動當日未持有含有報到編號的「報到通知」的來賓,恐無法入場參與活動,若造成不便,還請見諒。

    Due to limited space at the venue, priority will be given to relevant government officials, research institutes and industry representatives. Only successful registration applicants will receive a confirmatory “registration notice” email with a serial number by Wednesday, 2 October, 2019. Applicants who fail to register and do not receive a serial number, will be prohibited for entry. We apologize for any inconvenience that may occur.

  4. 活動當日,請攜帶含有報到編號的「報到通知」及一張名片至活動現場完成報到手續。

    On the day of the forum, please bring the “registration notice” with the serial number and your business card, in order to complete the check-in procedures.

  5. 請於活動報到時間進行報到,未能準時報到或當天無法出席之來賓,本活動無法為您保留講義及座位。

    Please complete the sign-up procedures within the registration time. The organizer will not reserve meeting materials and seats for applicants that are absent or are unable to sign up on time.

  6. 本次活動若適逢天災(地震等)不可抗拒之因素,將延期舉辦時間另行通知。

    The forum will be postponed in the event of a natural disaster (eg earthquake) or other force majeure occurences. If this happens, participants will be notified of the rescheduled time.

  7. 若因不可預測之突發因素,主辦單位得保留活動議程及講師之變更權利。

    The organizer reserves the right to change the agenda and the speakers of the forum.

  8. 本活動不提供免費停車服務及停車優惠

    Free parking and parking discounts are not provided.



地點: 集思交通部國際會議中心 國際會議廳 (3F)
Venue: International Conference Room, GIS MOTC Convention Centre (3F)

地址: 台北市杭州南路一段24號
Add: No. 24, Sec. 1, Hangzhou S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan





