ECCT announces 2025 chairman, boards of directors and supervisors
ECCT announces 2025 chairman, boards of directors and supervisors
The European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (ECCT) today announced that H Henry Chang, Principal at Baker McKenzie will serve as chairman of the ECCT’s board of directors in 2025. Chang was elected to serve as chairman for a one-year term by the new board of directors at their first meeting following the chamber’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) today. Also at the meeting, Chairman Chang nominated John Winter, Country Manager of Robert Walters, to serve as Vice Chairman and his nomination was approved by the board. The 2025 boards of 15 directors and 5 supervisors were voted into office at today’s AGM by ECCT members (please see below for a full list of directors and supervisors). The chamber also announced that outgoing Chairman Giuseppe Izzo Giuseppe has been elected as the chamber’s first ever Chairman Emeritus by the board after having served three two-year terms as ECCT Chairman, the only person to ever have done so.
In its annual report to members at today’s AGM, outgoing 2024 Chairman Giuseppe Izzo reported that 2024 was a successful year for the chamber. A number of high profile activities were held and membership remains diverse. On the government relations front, the chamber regularly engaged with Taiwan’s ministries and government agencies throughout the year, helping to further promote members’ business interests. In terms of advocacy, the chamber achieved progress on 24% of the issues raised in its 2024 Position Papers (issued in November 2023).
The ECCT was extremely active during the year, holding its flagship Europe Day Dinner with incoming President Lai Ching-te and several events featuring prominent local and international speakers. This included the second annual summit hosted by the Family Friendly Alliance, which shares best practices aimed at creating a family friendly environment in Taiwan. In addition, the chamber arranged or participated in numerous conferences, seminars, and forums in conjunction with government agencies, media and non-governmental associations.
2025 Board of Directors
H Henry Chang, Principal, Baker McKenzie
Vice Chairman
John Winter, Country Manager, Robert Walters
Other Directors (in alphabetical order)
Rahil Ansari, CEO & Chairman, Volkswagen Group Taiwan
David Chou, President, Ericsson Taiwan Ltd.
Karine Drai, Deputy Managing Director, CMA CGM (Taiwan) Ltd.
John Eastwood, Attorney-at-Law (US), Eiger
Tina Graves, Vice President & General Manager, GlaxoSmithKline Far East BV Taiwan Branch
Frank Grunert, President & CEO, Siemens Limited Taiwan
Van Hoang, Chairman & CEO, Baseload Power Taiwan Inc.
Yvonne Huang, Managing Director, Skyborn Renewables Taiwan Co., Ltd.
Hideko Ikeda, General Manager, Merck Healthcare, Taiwan, Merck Group Taiwan
Giuseppe Izzo, Managing Director, Taiwan & Vice President, Asia Pacific Region, STMicroelectronics Ltd.
Jackson Lee, Chairman, Head of Taiwan, FIL Securities Investment Trust Co. (Taiwan) Limited
Niels Steenberg, Managing Director and Chairman, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy Offshore Wind Limited
Leon Wu, Director, Business Origination and Stakeholder Engagement, Corio Generation Taiwan Limited
Alternate Directors (in order of election)
Sand Dee Ng, Managing Director, BASF Taiwan Ltd.
Brian Hsieh, CEO, Schroder Investment Management (Taiwan) Limited
Jeff Neo, Managing Director, Kuehne + Nagel Ltd.
Sebastian Blaettler, Managing Director APAC, Boschung Holding AG
Jonathan Bryon, Vice President Asia, Materials Analysis Group, Oxford Instruments Overseas Marketing Ltd.
2025 Board of Supervisors
Executive Supervisor
Tudor Pascu, Managing Director, Melchers Trading GmbH, Taiwan Branch
Other Supervisors (in alphabetical order)
Mike Jewell, Freelance Consultant
Martin Lindström, Group Director, DFI Home Furnishings Taiwan Limited - IKEA Taiwan
Achim v Hake, Hotel & Hospitality Professional
Jeff Wu, Managing Director, HEINEKEN Taiwan Co., Ltd.
Alternate Supervisor
Antoine Bouin, Vice President, Head of Area Taiwan, Schenker (HK) Ltd., Taiwan Branch
歐洲商會投票選出 國際通商法律事務所 張瀚書法學博士,為2025新任理事長
歐洲商會今日宣布,國際通商法律事務所,張瀚書(H Henry Chang),法學博士,將擔任2025年度歐洲商會理事會理事長。張瀚書理事長由新一屆理事會,在年度會員大會(AGM)後的首次會議中選舉產生,任期一年。會議中,同時理事長提名華德士臺灣總經理,文岳瀚(John Winter),擔任副理事長。在今天的年度會員大會中,會員們投票選出了2025年15位理事及5位監事(詳見下表完整名單)。此外,歐洲商會亦宣布,即將卸任的理事長尹容(Giuseppe Izzo)獲得理事會選舉,成為歐洲商會首位名譽理事長,以表彰前後陸續擔任過六任理事長的卓越貢獻,這也是歐洲商會1988年成立以來的第一人。
2025 歐洲商會理事會名單
張瀚書,國際通商法律事務所 法學博士
文岳瀚,華德士 臺灣總經理
安薩瑞,臺灣福斯集團 總裁
周大企,臺灣愛立信股份有限公司 總經理
Karine Drai,達飛通運有限公司 副總經理
江東林,艾格峰外國法事務律師事務所 合夥人
格婷娜,荷商葛蘭素史克藥廠股份有限公司臺灣分公司 總經理
張合翕,西門子股份有限公司 總裁暨執行長
黃天德,倍速羅得股份有限公司 董事長兼總經理
黃意文,天豐新能源股份有限公司 臺灣區總經理
池田秀子,臺灣默克醫療保健事業體 總經理
尹容,香港商意法半導體股份有限公司臺灣分公司 總經理暨副總裁
李少傑,富達證券投資信託股份有限公司 臺灣區負責人暨董事長
倪邇思,西門子歌美颯離岸風力再生能源股份有限公司亞太區離岸風電營運發展總部 董事長
吳鴻麟,科理歐永續能源股份有限公司 事業關係管理總監
黃仙蒂,台灣巴斯夫股份有限公司 總經理
謝誠晃,施羅德證券投資信託股份有限公司 總經理
梁涵茗,臺灣德迅國際運輸股份有限公司 執行董事
白瑞森,瑞士波雄集團 亞太區總裁
喬納森,英商牛津儀器海外行銷有限公司 亞洲區副總裁
潘杜德,德商美最時貿易股份有限公司臺灣分公司 執行董事
凌思卓,宜家家居股份有限公司 集團董事
吳建甫,海尼根台灣股份有限公司 總經理
Antoine Bouin,香港商信可股份有限公司臺灣分公司 副總裁