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Low Carbon Initiative

  /  Low Carbon Initiative


The ECCT Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) was established in June 2012 as a cross-industry, cross-ECCT committee best practice platform to showcase best international practices and low carbon solutions from Europe in alignment with ECCT committee priority advocacy issues. The LCI is supported by companies and institutions that are members of the ECCT and membership in the LCI is open to any ECCT member who is willing to support the initiative.

The ECCT LCI’s aim is to enhance recognition of the importance of sustainability and promote the implementation of low carbon solutions, thereby helping Taiwan to reduce its carbon emissions and reach its goal of net zero emissions by 2050.

The ECCT LCI creates opportunities for member companies to share their best practices on the platform, raise awareness of sustainable development and the circular economy by sharing resources through independent and co-branded events and networking opportunities in partnership with European representative offices, the Taiwan government, industry, and non-governmental organisations.

Europe is the global leader in driving sustainability through collective efforts that extend beyond the European Union's borders to encompass the entire continent and its global trading partners. This ambitious movement is characterised by a shared commitment among European nations to address the pressing challenges of climate change and environmental degradation. The European Green Deal, while primarily driven by the EU, serves as a guiding framework for countries across Europe to align their policies and initiatives with the common goal of achieving a sustainable future. This includes a broad range of efforts, such as transitioning to renewable energy sources, promoting energy efficiency, and adopting circular economy principles and best practices to reduce waste and promote the sustainable use of resources. The involvement of non-EU countries highlights a collective understanding that sustainability is a global issue that requires a united front. By working together, Europe aims to lead by example, showcasing the benefits of embracing renewable energy, sustainable practices, and climate-resilient policies. This collaborative approach not only strengthens the continent's response to climate change but also fosters a sense of unity and shared responsibility among nations in Europe in the pursuit of a greener and more sustainable future for all.

The Taiwan government recognises the pioneering role of Europe in driving sustainability and has integrated numerous European strategies into its own approach to sustainability. For instance, Taiwan has implemented the EU’s standards on vehicle fuel emissions, elements of Germany's renewable energy legislation, examined the building standards of the UK, and observed the deployment of renewable energy in Denmark, among other examples.

Local communities in Taiwan are increasingly acknowledging the significance of localised efforts to reduce carbon emissions and pollution, thereby enhancing the overall quality of life. The central government understands that the current trajectory of industrial development is unsustainable, placing an immense strain on public finances and limiting the competitiveness of local businesses. Moreover, a substantial number of Taiwanese companies have initiated their own sustainability or green technology programmes.

The ECCT LCI serves as a pivotal platform to advance these local initiatives, aligning them with the priorities and strategies of ECCT committees. This collaboration aims to benefit ECCT stakeholders in Taiwan, fostering a mutually advantageous partnership in the pursuit of sustainability.


The ECCT currently has 29 industry & support committees where advocacy is the primary objective. Committee members collaborate to advance common industry-wide advocacy issues, primarily by drafting recommendations in annual position papers, which are presented to and discussed in ongoing dialogues with government agencies throughout the year.

Advocacy issues primarily address technical barriers to trade (TBT), market access and alignment with European and international standards. In addition to advocacy, committees also arrange networking and best practice sharing events, forums and seminars, in collaboration with the ECCT’s best practice platforms.


The ECCT currently has 2 cross industry platforms, the Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) and the Family Friendly Alliance (FFA). The platforms serve to work with key leaders to showcase and promote the extensive and diverse expertise within ECCT member companies and their contributions to addressing issues of significance and importance. The platforms afford members the opportunity to furnish practical best practices for relevant government agencies and stakeholders to consider when formulating solutions. Additionally, they serve as avenues for the dissemination of softer approaches aimed at echoing the pivotal and significant issues brought forth within the ECCT committees.

The platforms collaborate with government, industry and NGOs by facilitating and organising events, activities and publications that enhance awareness of global issues, trends and solutions. Activities include large-scale summits, conferences, forums, seminars and cross-industry networking opportunities.

Mission Statement

The mission of the ECCT LCI is to enhance awareness of and showcase the best European and international practices, drive engagement and foster cooperation between its members, the government and the general public in promoting and implementing low carbon solutions aimed at achieving a circular economy and low carbon society.

Value for Members

The LCI serves as a platform to facilitate collaboration between industry and government by:

1. Providing speaker opportunities to share best practices
2. Creating opportunities to engage with cross-industry stakeholders
3. Exchanging member perspectives on sustainable development
4. Contributing to LCI-initiated reports and publications.

Energy Transition & Sustainability Team & LCI Structure

In alignment with Taiwan's commitment to attain net zero emissions by 2050, the LCI collaborates closely with all ECCT committees as part of a unified Energy Transition Team that is committed to comprehensively engaging with other stakeholders to enable and facilitate Taiwan's energy transition. The LCI consists of five working groups: Environmental Social Governance (ESG) & Sustainable Finance and Corporate Purchasing Agreements (PPAs), Energy Saving and Green Building, Eco-mobility & Eco-logistics, Sustainable Supply Chain, and Industry-Academia Collaboration.

LCI Steering Committee

The LCI is overseen by the LCI Chair & Three Co-Chairs and the ECCT CEO which ensures that all LCI activities are subject to the ECCT's ethical and procedural standards. The ECCT CEO, the Energy Transition & Sustainability Director, along with four LCI members serves as the LCI steering committee. These four members are elected to serve a one-year term at the LCI Year-End Meeting, which is normally held in December.

LCI 2024 Chair & Co-Chairs

Mr. Giuseppe Izzo

LCI Chair / MD Taiwan & VP of Asia Pacific Region STMicroelectronics Ltd.

Mr. Freddie Höglund


Mr. Olivier Letessier

LCI Co-Chair / President of Air Liquide Far Eastern

Mr. Richard Li

LCI Co-Chair / Managing Director of Siemens Energy Limited Taiwan

Ms. Wei-wei Tseng

LCI Co-Chair / Chairperson of wpd Taiwan

Energy Transition & Sustainability Team

Deborah Chiang

Energy Transition & Sustainability Team Director, Low Carbon Initiative

Tel: +886-2-2740-0236 ext. 227

Caroline Tien

Energy Transition & Sustainability Team Assistant Director, Wind Energy Committee

Tel: 886-2-2740-0236 ext 220

Annie Shih

Energy Transition & Sustainability Team Officer, Low Carbon Initiative

Tel: +886-2-2740-0236 ext. 229

Helen Chiang

Energy Transition & Sustainability Team Officer, Energy & Environment Committee

Tel: +886-2-2740-0236 ext. 230