NVIDIA perspective on the growing impact of AI
The lunch, jointly hosted by the ECCT's Automotive and Technology committees, followed immediately after a workshop on AI hosted by the Technology committee. In his presentation the speaker share ...
NHI payment system reform in Taiwan
The ECCT's Healthcare Enhancement committee hosted a lunch on the topic: "NHI payment system reform in Taiwan - Overview and prospects" with guest speaker Dr Lee Yue-chune, Professor of the Institute ...
EBO meeting in Brussels
ECCT Freddie Höglund attended the annual meeting of the European Business Organisations Worldwide Network (EBO WWN) in Brussels where he has served as Vice Chairman of the network since its establishm ...
Ethical recruitment of migrant workers
The ECCT's Human Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility committees jointly hosted a lunch on the topic "Ethical recruitment of migrant workers - challenges in securing sustainable labour supply ...
Lunch with Morris Chang
The ECCT hosted a Premium Event lunch with guest speaker Dr Morris Chang, Founder of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC). The lunch was held just a week after Dr Chang had formally retir ...
IDB Circular Economy Conference
The ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) was a co-organiser of the "2018 International Conference on the Circular Economy - Linking Innovations and Closing Loops" organised by the Industrial Development ...
New Taipei Global Investment Forum
The New Taipei City Global Investment Forum was organised by the New Taipei City Government in conjunction with the ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative and the Digital Transformation Association (DTA). The o ...
Launch of "Energy for the Next Generation" report
The ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative (LCI), in conjunction with CPC Corporation and partners in government and industry launched a report titled "Energy for the Next Generation - Shaping Taiwan's Energy T ...
New European data protection rules
The ECCT's Technology committee hosted a lunch on the topic "New European data protection rules - Compliance requirements and implications for business" with guest speaker Joel Cheang, Managing Associ ...
2018 Europe Day Dinner
The ECCT's 2018 Europe Day Dinner was attended by over 700 distinguished guests including President Tsai Ying-wen, Madeleine Majorenko, Head of the European Union's (EU) European Economic and Trade Of ...