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Asia Pacific Circular Economy Online Roundtable 亞太循環經濟論壇:「後疫情時代」線上特別場

Asia Pacific Circular Economy Online Series: Circular Economy for A Resilient Future in The Post-Pandemic Era | 23 June, 1st and 8th July 2020
亞太循環經濟論壇:「後疫情時代」線上特別場 | 2020年6月23日/ 7月1日/ 7月8日  

Event Agenda  論壇議程

Register Here 這裡報名!

Date 日期: 23 June, 1st July and 8th July 2020 | 2020年6月23日/ 7月1日/ 7月8日

Organizer 主辦單位: Taiwan Circular Economy Network 循環台灣基金會

Supervisors 指導單位: Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) 中華民國經濟部; Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) 行政院環保署

Co-organizers 協辦單位: Holland Circular Hotspot; ITRI 工研院; Taiwan Suger Corp. 台糖; The Center for Green Energy of CIER 中經院綠色經濟研究中心; ICDI 國際氣候發展智庫; Risk Society and Policy Research Center 風險社會與政策研究中心; BSI 英國標準協會;  renato lab; EPEA Taiwan; Tass 台灣永續供應協會; TCIA 台灣化學產業協會; PIDC 塑膠工業技術發展中心; Netherlands Office Taipei 荷蘭在台辦事處; Trade & Investment Queensland (TIQ) 澳大利亞昆士蘭州貿易暨投資辦事處; European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan-Low Carbon Initiative 歐洲商會低碳倡議行動


To change or not to change? That is the question.

The coronavirus pandemic absolutely disrupts how we used to produce and consume. Yet, the decrease of economic activities lead to huge cuts in carbon emissions. The rising unemployment rate and the severe drop in oil prices are telling us that the world is no longer the same.

In Chinese language, the word “crisis” is composed of two parts: ‘danger’ and ‘opportunity’. With all efforts trying to recover the economy, will we build back better? Or will the crisis cause irreversible impacts that take generations to recover? Many signs show that the business reconstruction and large scale of recovery plan creates a unique chance for us to tackle the economic and climate crisis at the same time. It all depends on how we perceive the risks and change for the better.

We firmly believe that the Circular Economy will help the world rise stronger after COVID-19, and we can make it all together. Are you with us?

[從全球疫情看見多重風險 以循環經濟打造韌性未來]

一場疫情的發生,改變了所有人習以為常的一切。工作型態的改變,供應鏈的中斷,商業模式改變的急迫性。然而,人類活動因疫情而減少的同時也讓地球有了短暫的呼吸空間,全球碳排放量因此下降了 17%。節節升高的失業率和驟降的石油價格一直在提醒著人們,世界已經不一樣了。




  • THE MOMENT: Redefine risks in a disrupted world
    June 23, 2020 (Tuesday) | 15:00 - 16:15 (GMT+8)
  • MOVE FORWARD: Turn crises into opportunities and accelerate the transformation
    July 1, 2020 (Wednesday) | 15:00 - 16:15 (GMT+8)
    *Conducted in Chinese 本場次將以中文進行
  • CO-CREATE: Circular collaboration is the key for a better tomorrow
    July 8, 2020 (Wednesday) | 15:00 - 16:30 (GMT+8)
    *Conducted in Chinese 本場次將以中文進行



*Please register on the event website. Any registration made on ECCT's website is invalid.
