Announcement of 2019 ECCT membership fee increases
At the ECCT’s Annual General Meeting held on 7 December 2018, Regular ECCT members approved
2019 Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors Candidate Sheets
Voting for the ECCT 2019 Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors will take place
ECCT ANNOUNCEMENT: New ECCT Website and Mailing System
After several months of development, we have launched the ECCT's new website. Besides a brand
2017 Membership Survey Results
In response to feedback from the survey the ECCT board would like to inform members
[Info Sharing] InfoBrief Taiwan from the German Trade Office Taipei (December 2017)
Dear members, To inform our members of the latest news about the Taiwan market and
ECCT announces 2018 chairman, boards of directors and supervisors
The European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (ECCT) has announced that Hakan Cervell, President of Ericsson
Announcement of changes to ECCT Constitution & By-laws
At the ECCT's Annual General Meeting held on 1 December 2017, Regular ECCT members unanimously
[Info Sharing] InfoBrief Taiwan from the German Trade Office Taipei (November 2017)
Dear members, To inform our members of the latest news about the Taiwan market and
ECCT 2017 Membership Survey - Help us to help you!
The purpose of the annual survey is to get feedback from members on how the