ECCT 2022 Gala Ball
The ECCT's Gala Ball once again lived up to its reputation as being the highlight
促進台歐交流 游錫堃:願當歐洲商會與立法院橋梁
中央通訊社:促進台歐交流 游錫堃:願當歐洲商會與立法院橋梁 中央通訊社:歐洲商會辦論壇促永續金融 以助應對氣候變遷 工商時報:ESG成主流 游錫堃願當歐洲商會與立法院橋樑 中時新聞網:游錫堃:人類要以自然為師才能友善地球 聯合新聞網:游錫堃:感謝歐洲在台商會落實永續及推動雙邊合作
2022 Europe-Taiwan Financial Services Forum
The ECCT hosted the 2022 Europe-Taiwan Financial Services Forum with the theme “Building a robust
Taichung forum on environment and science
The ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) was a co-organiser of the "2022 Europe-Taiwan Forum on
Border opening scheduled for 13 October
Taiwan's cabinet has approved a plan to lift its quarantine mandate for all arriving travellers
New members this month - September 2022
We are pleased to welcome the following new members to the ECCT in September: Company Logo Company
Breakthroughs on double testing and charging standards
Major progress has been made on the longstanding double-testing advocacy issue raised by the ECCT’s
Post-Covid sustainable tourism development
The ECCT's Travel & Tourism and CSR committees jointly arranged a lunch on the topic