科技人才缺 薪資增幅衝30%
工商時報:科技人才缺 薪資增幅衝30% 中央廣播電台:歐商調查:台灣供應鏈與技術領域最缺才 加薪幅度上看25% 大紀元:數位化趨勢 科技、供應鏈人才需求夯
Robert Walters Salary Survey 2022
The Robert Walters Salary Survey 2022 was co-launched with the ECCT at a Premium Event
Breakthrough for British youths on working holiday visas
Taiwan and the United Kingdom have reached a reciprocal agreement allowing people from their countries
EU’s response to the crisis in Ukraine
The ECCT arranged a special lunch featuring guest speaker Filip Grzegorzewski, Head of Office, of
參加2022 SDGs國際論壇探討大都會永續新政 柯文哲:零碳台北 公部門先行示範
PChome新聞:參加2022 SDGs國際論壇探討大都會永續新政 柯文哲:零碳台北 公部門先行示範
2022 SDGs Forum
The 2022 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) International Forum was organised by CommonWealth Magazine (CMW) in
Taoyuan Sustainable City Forum
The ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative was a co-organiser of the 2022 Sustainable City Forum. As
Lunch with Taipei Mayor Ko
The ECCT arranged a Premium Event lunch with Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-Je (柯市長) and senior