LCI-Taipower workshop on green energy
To mark Earth Day, the ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) jointly arranged the first in
The future of Taiwan tourism
The second in the ECCT's Next Generation Business and Leaders Series was held on the
歐洲商會薪資調查 科技人才轉職加薪上看15%
中央通訊社: 歐洲商會薪資調查 科技人才轉職加薪上看15% 新唐人亞太台 (影片&文字):台薪資調查:科技.數位.供應鏈人才夯 轉職調薪上看18% 中央廣播電台:歐洲商會調查:科技人才轉職加薪至少1成 臺灣時報:歐洲商會薪資調查 科技人才轉職加薪上看百分之十五 供應鍊更多 工商時報:科技人跳槽薪資最高漲15% 金融業輸慘 工商時報:2021台灣薪資展望 科技業跳槽薪資漲幅10%~15% 大紀元:歐洲商會薪資調查 供應鏈管理人才夯 MoneyDJ:2021台灣薪資展望:科技業轉職加薪達10%-15%
Robert Walters Salary Survey 2021 shows technology leads transformation in the Taiwan job market
Co-launching the fully digital survey with European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan, Robert Walters reveals specialist
Robert Walters Salary Survey 2021 launch
The job market in Taiwan is being driven by technology as the pace of digital
LCI green finance leaders forum
The ECCT’s Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) was a co-organiser of the 2021 Green Finance Leaders
Kaohsiung Mayor Chen promotes new investment opportunities
Kaohsiung Mayor Chen promotes new investment opportunities Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai (陳其邁) made a compelling case
Lunch with Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-Mai
Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai (陳其邁) made a compelling case for investing in his city to
Kaohsiung LCI green industry meeting
The ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) arranged a meeting in Kaohsiung with the city government's