52% of Taiwan employers plan to expand headcount while 71% face talent shortages
52% of Taiwan employers plan to expand headcount while 71% face talent shortages Co-launching the fully
ECCT announces 2025 chairman, boards of directors and supervisors
ECCT announces 2025 chairman, boards of directors and supervisors The European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (ECCT)
ECCT Position Papers outline shared vision for Taiwan
ECCT Position Papers outline shared vision for Taiwan The European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (ECCT) released
ECCT stresses importance of stakeholder engagement in renewable energy projects
The European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (ECCT) today launched the "Taiwan Renewable Energy Industry Challenges
ECCT 針對媒體報導之聲明
針對媒體有關Euroview「藐視國會罪」之報導,歐洲在臺商務協會(以下簡稱歐洲商會)聲明如下: 1. 歐洲商會自1988年成立以來,始終與中華民國政府保持良好互動關係。歐洲(包括歐盟與英國、瑞士等歐洲國家)對台投資額亦逐年增加,目前FDI累計投資額逾 700億美元,超過美、日企業合計總額,是台灣最大外資來源。 2. 歐洲商會的創建宗旨,在於促進歐洲企業在台之權益,目前會員超過1,000位,分別來自近500公司與機構。歐洲商會1994年起,每年向政府提出一系列的建議書,作為改善經商環境的參考。歐洲商會建言每年獲採納比例約20~25%,與世界各國相較,成績十分亮眼。 3. 除建議書外,歐洲商會亦高度關注台灣政經情勢轉變,每月精心編寫的Euroview,內容係均針對重大議題,廣泛收集各方評論與訊息,提供給會員,作為在台經商的重要參考。 4. Euroview以英文撰寫,方便外籍人士閱讀;為符合本會長期推動的環保低碳訴求,僅以電子版發行,附上網址連結https://euroview.ecct.com.tw/ 歡迎各界人士踴躍閱讀。 5. 如有相關意見,亦歡迎來信提供給編輯 amanda.shiao@ecct.com.tw ,期待大家的熱情回饋,能讓Euroview變得更精采。
ECCT LCI and Taipower participate in Earth Hour
The European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (ECCT) and Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) are jointly participating
Taiwan forecasts gradual recovery in job market with anticipated 2-5% average salary increase in 2024
Co-launching the fully digital Salary Survey 2024 with the European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan, Robert
ECCT-Taipower release net zero power report
The European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (ECCT) and Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) today jointly released
ECCT announces 2024 Chairman, Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors
The European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (ECCT) today announced that Giuseppe Izzo, Managing Director, Taiwan