2017 EU-Taiwan Organic Food Trade Seminar
Taipei, 22 June 2017 - The European Economic and Trade Office (EETO) – under the
Alibaba's Taiwan Entrepreneurs Fund
The ECCT's Tax committee held a lunch on the topic "Innovation today leads to commerce
iCity iCare forum
The iCity iCare Forum on Smart Transportation and Policy Design was organised by the ECCT's
CommonWealth Magazine's 2017 CSR survey
The ECCT's Corporate Social Responsibility committee hosted a lunch on the topic "Excellence in Corporate
Introduction to the Asian Silicon Valley plan
The ECCT's Technology committee hosted a lunch on the topic: "The Asia Silicon Valley Development
Analysis of President Tsai's first year
The ECCT and ICRT jointly hosted a Special Lunch on the subject of President Tsai's
2017 Europe Day Dinner
The ECCT hosted its largest and most prominent annual event, the Europe Day Dinner with
Automotive lunch with the IDB
The ECCT's Automotive committee hosted a lunch on the topic "Strategies and practices for the
Lunch with HPA Director-General
The ECCT's Healthcare Enhancement committee hosted a lunch on the topic "Promoting Health in Taiwan