Global economic outlook from Commerzbank
On 13 March 2015, the ECCT jointly hosted a Premium Event lunch together with the
International arbitration in the EU and Singapore
On 9 March the ECCT's Project & Procurement committee together with the French Chamber of
Technology meeting on space technology
On 6 March 2015, the ECCT's Technology committee hosted a lunch meeting with guest speaker
Launch of LCI report on industrial energy efficiency
On 5 March 2015 the ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) released a report titled "The
Decision making in a connected world
On 3 February the ECCT's Marketing Club held a lunch event on the topic: "Decision
Long-term healthcare policy and planning
On 30 January the ECCT's Pharmaceutical, Medical Device and Healthcare Enhancement committees jointly hosted a
Launch of 2015 Michael Page Salary & Employment Outlook report
On 29 January, the 2015 Salary & Employment Outlook report for Greater China was released
CIER Chairman talks about Taiwan's future energy policy
On 14 January the ECCT hosted a Premium Event lunch with guest speaker Dr Liang
2014 ECCT Christmas lunch
On 5 December, over 100 ECCT members, partners and guests started the festive season early