How advanced tyres are reducing CO2 emissions
On 12 April, the ECCT's Automotive committee hosted a lunch on the topic "How advanced
ECCT IPR Workshop Series: Part 1
On 26 March John Eastwood, Co-Chair of the ECCT's Intellectual Property Rights committee, presented the
ECCT Technology Committee Lunch: Update on Taiwan's Trade Secrets Act
The ECCT's Technology committee hosted a special lunch to update members on the 2013 amendments
Towards smarter grids and smarter homes
On 2 April, the ECCT hosted a Premium Event lunch on the rise and development
Amendments to the "Labor Safety and Health Act"
On 3 April, the ECCT's Human Resources committee hosted a special lunch to update members
ECCT visited by Irish Parliamentary delegation
On 2 April, the ECCT was visited by an Irish Parliamentary delegation, which was comprised
ECCT Lunch with Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin
On 8 March, the ECCT held its annual round table lunch with the Taipei city
ECCT Special Lunch and tour: Michelangelo presentation and tour
On 22 March the ECCT held a special event about the life and and works
ECCT's 25th anniversary lunch & inauguration of the chamber as a nation-wide association
On 26 February the ECCT celebrated its 25th anniversary and inauguration as a nation-wide association