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ECCT and RE100 release market briefing

ECCT and RE100 release market briefing

Companies are still struggling to procure renewable energy (RE) in Taiwan. Taiwan will likely fall short of its RE goals for 2025, and the grid is not meeting demand both in terms of supply and in access. These are some of the findings of a new report on Taiwan’s RE market compiled by RE100 and released together with the European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan (ECCT) today. Titled “Taiwan Energy Market Briefing: Net-Zero Plan and Aggregated PPAs”, the report was released at an ECCT Premium Event lunch that was attended by Vice Premier Shen Jong-chin and representatives from corporations which have joined RE100 and thereby pledged to meet all of their energy needs from renewable energy sources.

The report analyses the Taiwan’s government policies, the local renewable energy market, the options to purchase green power as well as the main obstacles to green power procurement in Taiwan. The report notes that, compared to two years ago when the key barriers to RE in Taiwan were identified as high cost, low supply, and lack of market transparency, things have improved. However, demand for RE has grown as RE100 members are continuing to make progress on their targets, more Taiwanese companies are committing to using RE, and large electricity consumers are being pushed to source RE through legislation.

The report notes that the top two reasons for the lack of corporately sourced RE remain high costs and low supply. Moreover, bundled Taiwan Renewable Energy Certificates (T-RECs), which account for 1 MWh of electricity, are expensive. Meanwhile, corporate PPAs (CPPAs) are also priced very high in addition to requiring that buyers are large electricity consumers and can sign 10-20-year contracts. This means that purchasing T-RECs in bulk is not economically feasible, and PPAs are only offered to very few companies who meet the current requirements, which most RE100 members with operations in Taiwan do not meet.

One possible solution to the barriers of CPPAs for companies outlined in the report is an aggregated PPA (APPA) that brings together two or more companies to negotiate and purchase a PPA. By doing so, both the developers and purchasers would benefit from an increase in the economies of scale. While there are significant barriers to APPAs in Taiwan, corporations and other stakeholders seem eager to work to overcome them.

The ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) has partnered with the RE100 since 2018 on finding solutions to supplying Taiwan with affordable renewable energies especially from wind power. In 2022, the LCI and RE100 cooperated with Business Weekly on Taiwan's first renewable procurement summit where the renewable energy price and purchasing mechanisms were discussed. Within the ECCT, many members are prominent wind farm developers. The LCI has also collaborated with the government and RE100 to facilitate stakeholder engagement so as to explore all possible ways for SMEs to purchase renewables.

The main sponsor of the report is Cathay Financial Holdings, and the supporting sponsors are Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank, Grape King, Hua Nan Commercial Bank, Orsted, PwC Taiwan, Taiwan Mobile, TCI, and wpd Taiwan.

Please refer to this link for the report: Taiwan Energy Market Briefing: Net-Zero Plan and Aggregated PPAs

ECCT和RE100 共同發布台灣再生能源市場報告書

在台灣採購可再生能源對企業而言並非易事。台灣 2025 年的再生能源目標有可能無法達成,而電網在能源供應和串接方面均無法滿足需求。這些調查結果來自 RE100 於今天與歐洲在臺商務協會 (ECCT) 共同發布的「台灣能源市場報告:淨零目標及綠電團購協議」。行政院沈榮津副院長將於發布會接受報告書,加入 RE100 及 歐洲商會-低碳倡議行動 (ECCT LCI) 的會員公司代表亦將出席發布會,承諾將達成完全使用再生能源的目標。

該報告分析了台灣政府政策、本地再生能源市場、購買綠電的選擇,以及台灣綠電採購的主要障礙。報告指出,台灣再生能源主要障礙為成本高、供應少,而且缺乏市場透明度,與兩年前相比,情況已有所改善。然而,隨著 RE100 成員在再生能源使用目標上不斷提高,加上越來越多台灣公司承諾使用再生能源,以及立法院通過用電大戶必須使用綠電,市場對再生能源的需求也在增長。

報告指出,企業無法採購再生能源的兩大主因仍為:成本高和供應量低。此外,總量1兆瓦時的台灣再生能源證書(T-REC)的電力,價格昂貴。同時,企業購電協議(CPPA)除了要求買家是用電大戶,可簽訂10-20年的合同外,定價亦高。這表示大量購買 T-REC 在經濟上勢不可行,並且企業購電合約(PPA)僅能提供給符合以上規範的極少數公司,而這些規範,大多數在台灣的 RE100 成員無法符合。

報告中針對企業購電協議CPPA障礙,提出可能解決方案,即「綠電團購協議」 (APPA),將兩家或更多公司聚集在一起談判和購買綠電。如此,隨規模經濟增長,綠電開發商和購買者都將受益。雖然目前台灣的團購綠電仍有相當阻礙,但企業和其他相關者,正共同努力克服障礙。

自 2018 年以來,歐洲商會-低碳倡議行動 ( ECCT LCI) 已與 RE100 合作,協力尋找台灣的再生能源經濟解決方案,特別是風力發電。2022年ECCT LCI 與 RE100 進一步合作與商業周刊在台灣首屆「臺灣綠電交易高峰會」上,對再生能源價格和採購機制進行熱烈的討論。在LCI 的 100 名會員中,有許多是著名的風電開發廠商。 LCI與政府和 RE100 合作以促進關係人的參與,盼為中小型企業(SMEs)購買再生能源找出更多解方。

