Constitution of The European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan
Chapter I General Clauses
Article 1
The name of the Chamber shall be "The European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan" (hereinafter referred to as "the Chamber".)
Article 2
The Chamber is a non-profit social organisation duly incorporated by law and established for the purpose of maintaining the business interests and rights of the European enterprises in Taiwan and enhancing the reciprocal development of the economic and trade relationship between Europe and Taiwan.
Article 3
The Chamber shall be organised to operate in the entire nation.
Article 4
The site of the Chamber shall be located where the competent government authority is located and branches may be established with the approval of the competent government authority.
Organisational charters of branches as referred to in the above paragraph may be formulated by the Board of Directors and shall be subject to the approval of the competent government authority.
Setting up or modifying the location of the office of the Chamber or its branches shall be reported to the competent government authority for confirmation.
Article 5
The objectives of the Chamber are as follows:
- Conduct advocacy on behalf of European business and industry interests toward the Taiwan government through Chamber committees with recommendations and policy proposals published in, but not limited to annual position papers.
- Conduct dialogue with all levels of central and local government, institutions and local business organisations, economic and trade associations and think tanks on behalf of the members.
- Communicate and provide members with consulting services, experience sharing, commercial opportunities and networking opportunities in relation to doing business and trade in Taiwan.
- Maintain close ties with European Union Member State representative offices, non-European Union representative offices of European countries, the European Economic and Trade Office in Taiwan as well as the institutions of the European Union, especially the European Commission, the European Parliament and other relevant stakeholders in Europe.
- Follow the spirit and principles of the World Trade Organisation to promote market liberalisation, free trade, international standards and corporate governance.
- Promote a level playing field for European companies to compete fairly and ensure the operations of European companies in Taiwan are treated equally.
- Communicate with the media and the public of Taiwan on behalf of the members.
- Facilitate social interaction and cultural understanding between the people of Europe and Taiwan.
- Encourage and support Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) programmes promoted by the members.
Article 6
The competent government authority of the Chamber is the Ministry of Interior. The objectives of the Chamber shall be directed and supervised by the applicable competent government authorities.
Chapter II Members
Article 7
The Chamber shall have three types of membership:
1. Regular Membership
The Chamber shall have three types of Regular Memberships:
- Regular Full Corporate Membership: Any European company, subsidiary, branch, affiliate, agency, representative, organisation or liaison office legally registered and operating in the Republic of China, in which a corporate body, firm, institution or person of European nationality has majority share, interest, effective management control or exclusive agency representation, which endorses the purposes of the Chamber, may become a Corporate Member of the Chamber upon approval by the Board of Directors of the Chamber and filing of the membership with the competent government authority. Each Full Corporate Member shall designate five representatives to participate in all activities of the Chamber and shall have the right to replace said individuals at its discretion and shall notify the secretariat accordingly.
- Regular Limited Corporate Membership: Identical to Full Corporate Membership except for the fact that the member may designate only one representative to participate in all activities of the Chamber.
- Regular Individual Membership: Any individual of 20 years of age or older domiciled or holding an Alien Resident Certificate in the Republic of China, who endorses the purposes of the Chamber and is a national of any European country, may become an Individual Member of the Chamber upon approval by the Board of Directors of the Chamber and reporting to the competent government authority for confirmation. “European countries” shall include countries of the European Union and any other country that may be considered to be within the European geographical area.
2. Associate Membership
The Chamber shall have five types of Associate Membership:
- Associate Full Corporate Membership: Any corporation which endorses the purposes of the Chamber and makes the required financial contribution to the Chamber may be invited to act as an Associate Full Corporate Member of the Chamber upon approval of the Board of Directors. Each Associate Full Corporate Member shall designate five representatives to participate in all activities of the Chamber and shall have the right to replace said individuals at its discretion and shall notify the secretariat accordingly.
- Associate Limited Corporate Membership: Identical to Associate Full Corporate Memberships except for the fact that the member may designate only one representative to participate in all activities of the Chamber.
- Associate Individual Membership: Any individual who endorses the purposes of the Chamber and makes the required financial contribution to the Chamber may be invited to act as an Associate Member of the Chamber upon approval of the Board of Directors.
- Associate Overseas Membership: Any individual or corporation who endorses the purposes of the Chamber and makes the required financial contribution to the Chamber may be invited to act as an Overseas Member of the Chamber upon approval of the Board of Directors.
- Associate Non-Governmental Organisation Membership: Any individual or corporation which endorses the purposes of the Chamber and makes the required financial contribution to the Chamber may be invited to act as a Non-Governmental Organisation Member of the Chamber upon approval of the Board of Directors.
3. Honorary Membership
An individual or association which has made a special or significant contribution in the promotion or implementation of the objectives of the Chamber may, with nomination by and approval of the Board of Directors, be invited to become an Honorary Member of the Chamber. The term of an Honorary Member shall be indefinite, but the number of Honorary Members shall be subject to an annual review by the Board of Directors.
Article 8
A regular member of the Chamber shall have the right to vote in elections and matters presented to the members for voting, to be elected, and to participate in a vote to dismiss an officer of the Chamber. Each regular membership shall have one vote.
All the associate members, including Overseas Members, Non-Government Organisation Members and Honorary Members shall not be entitled to the rights set forth in the foregoing paragraph.
All Regular, Associate and Honorary Members may participate and speak in General Meetings and activities organised by the Chamber.
Article 9
Members shall abide by the Constitution and resolutions of the Chamber and pay its membership dues.
Article 10
Any member who violates the laws, provisions of this Constitution or resolutions of the Chamber, may, upon resolution of the Board of Directors, be punished by reprimand, suspension of rights or, in the case where the Chamber is significantly impacted by the violation, expulsion after approval by a General Meeting of the members.
Any member who fails to pay dues by the end of the month following delivery of notice to make payment and who does not make payment within 30 days after delivery of a second notice to make payment shall be suspended for two months. If payment is not made during these two months, the member shall be deemed as having automatically withdrawn from the Chamber. In the event that a withdrawn member would like to apply for resumption of membership or rights, the member shall pay off all the past dues unless the member has justifiable excuses which have been reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors.
Article 11
In any of the following circumstances, a member shall no longer be considered as a member of the Chamber:
- A member no longer meets the qualifications of a member of the Chamber.
- A member has been expelled by a resolution of a General Meeting of members.
Article 12
A member may withdraw from the Chamber by submission of a written statement to the Chamber, which shall state the member's reason for withdrawing from the Chamber.
Chapter III Organisation and Authority
Article 13
The General Meeting of the members shall be the body of ultimate authority of the Chamber. If the Chamber membership exceeds 300 regular members (member representatives), member representatives in different districts may be elected in proportion to the number of members (member representatives) to attend the members' congress. A representative member is elected for a term of one year.
If so, the Chamber shall draw up regulations governing the district-based elections referred to in the preceding paragraph, submit the same to the Board of Directors for adoption, and then report to the regulating authority for reference.
Article 14
The General Meeting of the members shall have the following powers:
- To adopt the Constitution of the Chamber and to resolve any subsequent amendments thereof.
- To elect or dismiss directors or supervisors.
- To determine the initiation fee, membership dues, enterprise fees and the amount and procedure of donation by members.
- To review and approve the annual work plan, report, budget and accounts.
- To review and approve any expulsion of a member.
- To resolve any disposition of assets.
- To resolve the dissolution of the Chamber.
- To adopt any resolutions pertaining to other important matters related to the rights or obligations of members.
The scope of the important matters stated in the subsection 8 shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Article 15
The Chamber shall have a Board of Directors consisting of fifteen directors and a Board of Supervisors consisting of five supervisors. When electing the aforementioned directors and supervisors, up to five alternate directors and up to one alternate supervisor may be elected at the same time who will step in (in accordance with the order that such alternates are elected) as director or supervisor should any director or supervisor seat become vacant.
Article 16
The Board of Directors shall have the following responsibilities:
- To review the qualification and approve new members.
- To elect or dismiss the Chairperson.
- To approve the resignation of the Chairperson or directors.
- To hire or dismiss the staff and employees of the Chamber.
- To draft the annual work plan, report, budget and accounts.
- To carry out other matters that should be implemented.
Article 17
The Board of Directors shall elect a Chairperson from among the directors. The Chairperson may not concurrently serve on the board of other foreign chambers. Likewise, the Chairperson, Vice Chairpersons and Executive Directors of other foreign chambers may not concurrently serve on the Chamber's Board of Directors. The Chairperson shall be responsible for the affairs of the Chamber and for coordinating with the Board of Directors, represent the Chamber externally and serve as the presiding officer of General Meetings of the members and meetings of the Board of Directors. When the Chairperson is unable to perform his or her duties, the Chairperson shall designate one of the board's directors to act on the Chairperson's behalf, failing which a person shall be chosen by the directors among themselves to act on the Chairperson's behalf. Whenever the position of Chairperson becomes vacant, the Board of Directors shall hold an election within one month to fill the position.
Article 18
The Board of Supervisors shall have the following responsibilities:
- To oversee implementation of matters by the Board of Directors.
- To review the annual accounts, budget and audited reports.
- To elect or dismiss the Executive Supervisor.
- To approve the resignation of any supervisor or Executive Supervisor.
- To supervise other and all matters of the Chamber according to the ECCT Constitution and the applicable laws of the ROC.
Article 19
The Board of Supervisors shall have one Executive Supervisor elected by the supervisors, which shall be chosen from among the supervisors. The Executive Supervisor shall supervise routine affairs of the Chamber and shall be the presiding officer of the Board of Supervisors. When the Executive Supervisor is unable to perform his or her duties, he or she shall appoint a person from the supervisors to act on his or her behalf, failing which a person shall be chosen by the supervisors among themselves to act on behalf of the Executive Supervisor. Whenever the position of Executive Supervisor becomes vacant, the Board of Supervisors shall hold an election within one month to fill this position.
Article 20
All directors and supervisors of the Chamber shall hold office without remuneration. Directors and supervisors shall hold office for a term of one year and shall be eligible for re-election. The Chairperson shall not hold the position for more than 2 consecutive terms. The term of directors and supervisors shall be calculated from the date of the first Board of Directors meeting of the same term.
Article 21
Upon any of the following circumstances, a director or supervisor shall be immediately discharged from office:
- Loss of membership qualifications.
- Resigned for cause and approved by the Board of Directors or Board of Supervisors.
- Dismissed or otherwise removed from office.
- Membership becomes suspended for more than one half of the director's or supervisor's term.
Article 22
The Chamber shall have one Chief Executive Officer, who shall manage the day-to-day affairs of the Chamber according to the instructions of the Board of Directors and the mission of the Chamber. The aforementioned person shall be nominated by the Chairperson, approved by the Board of Directors and reported to the competent authority for confirmation.
The Chamber shall have a secretariat of several employed staff. Directors and supervisors may not be employed as staff of the secretariat.
Staff positions shall be proposed by the Chief Executive Officer and approved by the Board of Directors. Staff dismissals shall likewise be proposed by the Chief Executive Officer and approved by the Board of Directors.
Article 23
The Chamber may establish various committees, divisions or other internal operating sections, and their organisational regulations (including amendments thereof) shall be subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
Article 24
The Chamber may, depending on its need, designate several honorary directors or consultants who shall provide voluntary services; provided that the number of honorary directors shall not exceed the number of directors and the number of consultants shall not exceed one-third of the directors.
Chapter IV Meetings
Article 25
The Chamber may have regular General Meetings and extraordinary General Meetings, both of which shall be called by the Chairperson. Except in the case of an extraordinary General Meeting called in the event of an emergency, written notices shall be sent to the members at least fifteen days prior to the General Meeting.
The regular General Meeting of the members shall be convened once each year. Extraordinary General Meetings shall be convened when the Board of Directors deems it necessary to do so, or upon request by at least one-fifth of the members, or pursuant to the written request of the Board of Supervisors.
After the Chamber becomes registered as a legal person, an extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened upon request by at least one-tenth of the members of the Chamber.
Article 26
When a regular member is unable to attend a General Meeting, the said member may appoint another regular member to attend and vote on the said member's behalf by written proxy. Each regular member may act as a proxy for no more than one other member in each General Meeting.
Article 27
The quorum for a General Meeting of members shall be a majority of the regular members of the Chamber, including those who attend via proxies. Resolutions proposed at a General Meeting of members shall be adopted by a plurality vote of the regular members in attendance, including those who attend via proxies. The following affairs shall be decided by approval of no less than two-thirds of the regular members in attendance, including those who attend via proxies:
- To resolve the expulsion of any member.
- To resolve the dismissal of any director or supervisor.
- To resolve the disposition of assets.
- To resolve other important matters related to the rights or obligations of members.
The Constitution of the Chamber may only be amended with the affirmative vote of at least three-fourths of all the regular members in attendance (including those who attend via proxies) at a General Meeting or by written consent of two-thirds of all regular members.
Dissolution of the Chamber may be resolved at any time by consent of at least two-thirds of all regular members.
Article 28
The Board of Directors shall convene a meeting once every two months, while the Board of Supervisors shall convene a meeting once every three months. If and when necessary, a joint meeting of the Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors or an impromptu meeting shall be convened.
Except for impromptu meetings, prior written notices of at least seven days in advance shall be given for the meetings mentioned in the preceding paragraph. Resolutions of such meetings shall be adopted by a plurality vote of the directors or supervisors (as the case may be) attending the meeting, with at least a majority of all directors or supervisors (as the case may be) in attendance.
Meeting minutes shall be taken at the abovementioned meetings and records shall be preserved.
Article 29
Directors shall attend Board of Directors meetings and supervisors shall attend Board of Supervisors meetings, and such attendance shall not be via proxy. For independent oversight and governance, the Board of Directors meetings and the Board of Supervisors meetings shall be convened separately unless an invitation is extended or a joint meeting is convened under the terms set out in Article 28. Any director or supervisor who fails to attend a meeting without cause for two consecutive meetings shall be deemed as having resigned.
Chapter V Finance and Accounting
Article 30
Operations of the Chamber shall be funded from the following sources:
1. Entrance fees: each member shall pay an initiation fee as provided below upon joining the Chamber.
Regular Full Corporate members and five representatives: Twenty thousand NT dollars
Regular Limited Corporate members and one representative: Fifteen thousand NT dollars.
Associate Full Corporate members and five representatives: Twenty thousand NT dollars
Associate Limited Corporate members and one representative: Fifteen thousand NT dollars.
Regular Individual members: Ten thousand NT dollars.
Associate Individual members: Ten thousand NT dollars.
Associate Overseas members: Four thousand NT dollars.
Associate Non-governmental organisations: One thousand NT dollars.
2. Annual membership dues:
Regular Full Corporate members and five representatives: Seventy six thousand five hundred NT dollars.
Regular Limited Corporate members and one representative: Forty four thousand five hundred NT dollars.
Associate Full Corporate members and five representatives: Seventy six thousand five hundred NT dollars.
Associate Limited Corporate members and one representative: Forty four thousand five hundred NT dollars.
Regular Individual members: Thirty one thousand NT dollars.
Associate Individual members: Thirty one thousand NT dollars.
Associate Overseas members: Five hundred euros.
Associate Non-governmental organisations: Twenty five thousand five hundred NT dollars.
3. Enterprise fees.
4. Donations by members.
5. Mandate income.
6. Earnings from funds of the Chamber.
7. Other lawful revenue.
Article 31
The fiscal year of this Chamber shall correspond to the calendar year, which shall be from January 1st to December 31st each year.
Article 32
At least two months prior to the commencement of the next fiscal year, the Board of Directors shall prepare the annual work plan, budget and summary of employee compensation and submit those to the General Meeting for approval (if for any reason the General Meeting cannot be held on time, then such documents shall be submitted to the joint meeting of the directors and supervisors for approval), and such documents shall be submitted to the competent government authority for confirmation before the beginning of the next fiscal year. The Board of Directors shall also prepare the annual work report, final accounting of income and expenses, cashbook, balance sheets, property directory and income and expenses of the funds of the Chamber. These reports shall be reviewed by the Board of Supervisors and the Board of Supervisors shall prepare and submit its review opinion for the Board of Directors, and then submit it to the General Meeting for approval. These reports shall be filed with the competent government authority before the end of March each year (if the General Meeting cannot be convened on time, then these reports shall be submitted first to the competent government authority).
Article 33
Upon dissolution of the Chamber, residual assets shall become the property of the local government organization or organization appointed by the competent government authority.
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
Article 34
Matters not provided for in this Constitution shall be handled according to applicable law.
Article 35
This Constitution shall become effective upon adoption by the General Meeting of the members and filing to the appropriate competent government authority for confirmation. Amendments shall be handled in the same manner.
Article 36
This Constitution was first approved by the General Meeting of the members convened on the date of 30 October 2012 and has been filed to and confirmed by the Ministry of Interior with the Letter No. [Tai-Nei-She-Tzu No. 1010353327] issued on the date of 9 November 2012.
Amendments to this Constitution were approved by members convened on the date of 5 December 2014 and filed to and confirmed by the Ministry of Interior with the Letter No. [Tai-Nei-Tuan-Tzu No. 1040007707] issued on the date of 25 February 2015.
Amendments to this Constitution were approved by members convened on the date of 1 December 2017 and filed to and confirmed by the Ministry of Interior with the Letter No. [Tai-Nei-Tuan-Tzu No. 1060090885] issued on the date of 3 January 2018.
Amendments to this Constitution were approved by members convened on the date of December 1, 2023 and filed to and confirmed by the Ministry of Interior with the Letter No. [Tai-Nei-Tuan-Tzu No. 1130282993] issued on the date of May 22, 2024.