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ECCT Healthcare Forum on vaccines, low birth rate, AI

The 2021 ECCT EU-Taiwan Healthcare Forum brought together experts from Europe and Taiwan to discuss solutions for today's most urgent healthcare challenges. Under the theme "Sustainable Healthcare through Public Private Partnership", medical experts from the public and private sectors shared ideas for sustainable and cost-effective healthcare, using AI and other technologies to reduce the disease burden and improve health outcomes, the future vaccination ecosystem, and how to tackle Taiwan's ageing population and low birth rate.

The event began with opening remarks by guests of honour Vice President Lai Ching-te, Guillermo Martinez, Deputy Head of the European Economic and Trade Office, and ECCT Chairman H Henry Chang. This was followed by presentations in four sessions and a lunch that featured a keynote speech by Dr Chen Shih-Chung, Minister of Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) and a panel discussion between speakers from the morning session that was moderated by Dr Chen Chien-jen, former Vice President who is currently a Distinguished Professor at Academic Sinica. The event was concluded with remarks by Dr Yu Chien-hwa, Deputy Minister of the NDC.

In the first session, Dr Stefano Stuard, Senior Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer for Fresenius Medical Care EMEA, gave a presentation on the topic "Sustainable ideas for cost-effective health - To improve the Chronic Disease Burden by using AI and Prediction Model" while Dr Hsu Chih-Cheng,  Investigator and Deputy  Director of the Institute of Population Health Sciences, National Health Research Institutes gave a presentation on the subject "How to tackle the chronic disease burden by AI / Disease Prediction Model and Taiwan Practice".

In the second session, Dr David Salisbury, Chair of the WHO Global Commission for Certification of Polio Eradication and Associate Fellow of the Global Health Programme at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, London, gave a presentation on the topic of an ageing population and adult vaccination policy post Covid-19 while Dr Lee Ping-Ing, Associate Professor in the Department of Paediatrics at National Taiwan University Children's Hospital, Taiwan gave a presentation on the topic "Mobilizing Diverse & Sustainable Financing to Achieve Immunization Across the course of life".

In the third session, Lo Yu-Mei Senior Specialist for the National Development Council spoke about low fertility and population ageing in Taiwan while Alan Lovell, Senior Associate, Health Policy and Clinical Evidence for The Economist Intelligence Unit and Dr Chen Ming-Jer, Chairman of the Taiwanese Society for Reproductive Medicine, spoke about how to make Taiwan a better place to have a family.

In the fourth and final session, Dr CH Herbert Wu, President of the Development Center of Biotechnology, under the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) gave a presentation on the topic "The competitiveness of multi-sectors integration driving precision health development in Taiwan" while Szymon Bielecki, Programme officer in the European Commission's Directorate General for Communications, Networks, Content and Technology spoke about the ‘European 1+ Million Genomes' Initiative.


歐洲商會首屆舉辦台歐健康論壇 為永續醫療提解方


本次論壇貴賓雲集,由中華民國副總統賴清德、歐洲經貿辦事處副處長馬威杰(Guillermo Martinez),以及歐洲在臺商務協會理事長張瀚書致詞揭開序幕,之後台、歐醫療專家針對四項議題進行演說。中午則有衛生福利部部長陳時中專題演講,分享台灣對抗新冠肺炎的經驗。座談則由前副總統、中央研究院院士陳建仁擔綱主持,最後則由國家發展委員會副主委游建華致詞,為本次活動閉幕。

第一項議題為藉由AI及預測模型改善慢性病負擔,首位講者為費森尤斯醫療資深副總裁暨歐非中東區臨床試驗長Stefano Stuard,講題為「醫療成本效益的永續構想—以人工智慧和預測模式改善慢性病負擔」。國家衛生研究院群體健康科學研究所副所長許志成也以「如何藉精準醫療及公私部門夥伴關係因應慢性病負擔:台灣經驗」為題,發表演說。

第二項議題為疫苗及預防醫學,講者、世界衛生組織(WHO)全球小兒麻痺根除委員會主席暨英國皇家國際事務研究院全球健康計畫研究學人David Salisbury,闡述後疫情時代,面對人口老化的成人疫苗接種政策。台大兒童醫院小兒部醫師李秉穎則論述,如何運用多元及永續財務策略,達到全年齡疫苗接種。

在探討低生育率的第三議題,國家發展委員會專門委員樓玉梅說明台灣低生育率和人口老化問題。在如何改善台灣生育環境,則邀請經濟學人智庫的醫療政策與臨床實證資深研究員Alan Lovell分享觀察,以及台灣生殖醫學會理事長陳明哲提出建言。

第四議題則著眼醫療與科技的交會,經濟部生物技術開發中心執行長吳忠勳,介紹台灣跨產業整合發展精準醫療的競爭力,而歐盟執委會資通訊網絡暨技術總署 (DG Connect)計畫主管Szymon Bielecki,則說明「歐洲1+百萬基因體」計畫。