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ECCT LCI: Green Energy Storage in Smart Grids Forum, 28 March 2014

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The ECCT LCI cohosts with Taiwan Battery Association and SEMI Taiwan the "Green Energy Storage in Smart Grids Forum" on 28 March 2014 at Sheraton Hotel, Hsin-chu City. The event aims to showcase best applications and connect the ECCT with the local semi-conductor, battery, and smart grid system industries. The ECCT LCI sends three speakers from BASF, Schneider Electric, and Siemens, and TBA two speakers from Phoenix Silicon International Corporation and ITRI.
For registration please go to (Free registration for members of ECCT LCI, SEMI, and TBA, NT$2,000 for non-members).


時間 內容 主講者
13:00~13:30 來賓報到
13:30~13:34 TBA致詞 潘金平 秘書長, 工研院材化所
13:34~13:38 ECCT 致詞 Raoul Kubitschek, ECCT LCI Director
13:38~13:40 SEMI 致詞 Terry Tsao, President of SEMI Taiwan
13:40~14:10 Battery Storage for Solar Power Plant Alexander Ott, Siemens                     (ECCT LCI Speaker)
14:10~14:40 儲電系統之發展趨勢 廖世傑主任, 工研院材化所
(TBA speaker)
14:40~14:45 Introduction of PV Taiwan 2014 SEMI Taiwan
14:45~15:00 交流時間 & Break
15:00~15:30 電池材料科技 Dr. Markus Hoelzle, BASF Director Asia - Cathode Materials(ECCT LCI Speaker)
15:30~16:00 鋰鐵電池技術應用太陽能儲電系統發展趨勢 楊敏聰董事長,昇陽國際半導體股份有限公司
16:00~16:30 ADMS in Smart Grid
柯佾寬 博士, 資深經理, Schneider
(ECCT LCI Speaker)
16:30~ Adjournment
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