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ECCT LCI Visit - ECCT Visits National Cheng Kung University

Photo Gallery: ECCT Facebook / ECCT Linkedin

The ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) arranged a visit to 國立成功大學 (NCKU) on 1 August, where they met with NCKU President Dr. Shen, Meng-Ru (國立成功大學校長 沈孟儒) and Vice President for Research & Development Liu, Chuan-Pu (國立成功大學研發長 劉全璞). The delegation was led by ECCT Chairman Giuseppe Izzo (歐洲商會理事長 尹容).

ECCT has been collaborating with NCKU and Tainan City to achieve net-zero carbon, improve energy efficiency, promote green energy, and develop talent through sustainable initiatives. We were delighted to discuss future chapters of our partnership with President Shen, focusing on continuing our shared commitment to these vital goals.