[Event Report] Carbon Monitoring, Verification, and Reporting in Corporates 企業碳排之監測、驗證和報告研討會
On 21 Feb. 2023, the ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative (LCI 低碳倡議行動) jointly organized with the PwC 資誠 the “Carbon measurement, reporting, and verification in corporates" workshop (企業碳排之測量、報告和驗證論壇) under the LCI's Green Finance, ESG, CPPA Working Group 永續金融及企業採購綠電工作小組. Policies on carbon offset 碳抵換政策 and solutions of achieving net zero EV 淨零電動車 are two key topics presented in this forum. The speakers slides were shared with the participants and all LCI members.
From left to right: Tsai Yi-Tai, Partner, PwC Taiwan 資誠會計師事務所執業會計師 蔡亦臺, Lu Chun-Hung, Director of PwC Taiwan資誠會計師事務所副總經理 呂俊宏, Huang Chih-Wen, Chief of 6th Division Section, MOEA BSMI經濟部標檢局組長 黃志文, Wu Sheng-Chung, Commissioner, Dept. of Environmental Protection, Taipei City Gov. 台北市政府環保局局長 吳盛忠, David Lin, Business Development Director, Scania永德福汽車企業發展總監 林日尉, Sammy Su, ECCT LCI Director 歐洲商會-低碳倡議行動總監 蘇冬蘭
The forum was opened by Sean McDermott, Vice Chair of the LCI (低碳倡議行動 副主席 馬聖安); Wu Sheng-Chung, Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection for the Taipei City Government (台北市政府環境保護局局長 吳盛忠); and Betty Hu, Deputy Director-General for the Administration for Digital Industries, MODA (數位發展部數位產業署副署長 胡貝蒂).
Sean McDermott, ECCT LCI Vice Chair 歐洲商會-低碳倡議行動副主席 馬聖安
Wu Sheng-Chung, Commissioner, Dept. of Environmental Protection, Taipei City Gov. 台北市政府環境保護局局長 吳盛忠
Betty Hu, Deputy Director-General of the Administration for Digital Industries, MODA 數位產業署副署長 胡貝蒂
150+ target audience from government and industry attended the workshop
Commissioner Wu presented Taipei's net zero policy for corporates. Lu Chun-Hung, Director of PwC Taiwan (資誠聯合會計師事務所副總經理 呂俊宏) spoke about PwC's carbon calculator. David Lin, Business Development Director from Scania Taiwan (林日尉/ 永德福汽車 企業發展總監) gave best practices in green logistics and decarbonisation. Huang Chih-Wen, Chief of 6th Division Section, Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, MOEA ( 經濟部標準檢驗局 第六組 組長 黃志文) updated BSMI's new regulations on moving to net zero for electric vehicles. Dr. Wei-Ming Huang, Technical Superintendent, EPA (行政院環保署技監 黃偉鳴) presented about EPA's Carbon Offset Policy and Mechanism. The event was concluded with a panel discussion moderated by LCI Director Sammy Su and Working Leader Tsai Yi-Tai.
Lu Chun-Hung, Director of PwC Taiwan資誠聯合會計師事務所副總經理 呂俊宏
David Lin, Business Development Director, Scania Taiwan永德福汽車企業發展總監 林日尉
Huang Chih-Wen, Chief of 6th Division Section, Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, MOEA經濟部標準檢驗局組長 黃志文
Dr. Wei-Ming Huang, Technical Superintendent, Office of Climate Change, EPA行政院環保署技監兼氣候變遷辦公室副主任 黃偉鳴
Tsai Yi-Tai, Partner, PwC Taiwan 資誠聯合會計師事務所執業會計師 蔡亦臺