2015 EU-Taiwan Seminar on Protection of Internet Copyright 台歐網路著作權保護研討會
- 本活動已經結束。

Time: Friday, 18 September 2015
Venue: MAP
International Conference Hall, Tsai Lecture Hall, College of Law, NTU
(No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei City; at the intersection of Fuxing S. and Xinhai roads.)
Intellectual Property Office, MOEA
European Economic and Trade Office (EETO)
European Business and Regulatory Cooperation (EBRC)
English/Chinese (Simultaneous interpretation equipment is available with photo ID)
The event is free of charge and by registration only. Participants are kindly requested to register by 11 September.
For Chinese readers, register now at goo.gl/i8nbcC.
For non-Chinese readers, please send your Name, Email, Organisation, Job Title, Contact Number, Lunch Box Preference (Veggie/Non-Veggie) to Ms Chen at yukai.chen@ecct.com.tw.
Event Details :
The "2015 EU-Taiwan Seminar on Protection of Internet Copyright" will bring together European and Taiwanese experts from the government, industry and academia to present on a range of topics. In the morning session, the forum will introduce the legal framework and enforcement measures of the internet copyright protection in the EU and Taiwan. In the afternoon session, the forum will focus on the experience sharing of enhancing right holders-ISPs cooperation.
Tentative Agenda: