2015 EU-TW Smart Mobility Conference 臺歐低碳智慧運輸論壇
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2015 EU-TW Smart Mobility Conference 臺歐低碳智慧運輸論壇
Date: Wednesday, 09 Sept., 2015
Time: 08:30-16:30 (Please click the agenda below)
Venue: Int'l Conf. Hall, Institute of Transportation, MOTC (B1, No.240, Dunhua North Road, Taipei) 臺北市敦化北路 240 號地下一樓/ 交通部運輸研究所國際會議廳 MAP
Special Speaker:
Dr. CHOU Yun-hui, Director-general, Taiwan Railway Administration 臺鐵局 周永暉局長
o Vehicle and transportation integration system 車路整合系統 (Morning Session)
o Light rail transit 輕軌運輸 (Afternoon Session)
The Ministry of Transportation & Communications (MOTC) Minister Chen Jian-Yu will open the conference and TRA Director-general Dr. CHOU Yun-hui present Taiwan's vision of low carbon railway transportation. The conference also features LCI expert speakers from ABB, BOSCH, Mercedes-Benz, Siemens, STMicroelectronics, THALES, and TUV Rheinland.
2015 EU-TW Smart Mobility Conference providing bilingual translation service (CN-EN), is a professional transportation event and is not open to the general public. Individuals who are not able to document their direct and current professional affiliation to automotive/ transportation related industry are not qualified to attend. For FREE registration, please click:
- Morning Session - Vehicle and transportation integration system (上午場:車路整合)
- Afternoon Session - Light rail transit (下午場:輕軌運輸)
- All Day Session(全天)