[Fully booked] 2019 Wind Power Workshop 風電工作坊
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[Fully booked]
2019 Wind Power Workshop | 5-6 September 2019
2019 風電工作坊 | 2019年9月5-6日
Register here! 這裡報名! (名額有限 額滿為止)
Venue: TIPC Training Park (No.100, Zhugang Rd., Wuqi Dist., Taichung City 435, Taiwan (R.O.C))
Organizer: Taiwan International Ports Corp. (TIPC)/ ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative (LCI)
Co-organizer: TIPC Marine Corp. (TIPM)/ Taiwan International Windpower Training Corp. (TIWTC)/ Metal Industries Research & Development Centre (MIRDC)/ Taiwan Wind Industry Association (TWIA)
As the building of Taiwan's offshore wind energy parks is about to kick into high gear, the process of recruiting and training experts and technicians for all aspects of wind turbine and infrastructure installation and maintenance is a crucial prerequisite.
On 5th-6th Sep., the ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) and the Taiwan International Ports Corporation (TIPC) are co-organising the 2019 Wind Power Workshop. At the workshop, participants will get an introduction to the wind power industry and job opportunities from the perspectives of the various sectors and major players in both the offshore and onshore wind power industry.
The workshop speakers from ECCT LCI's members include: Enercon, Bureau Veritas, DWT of wpd Group, EnBW, German Institute of Taipei, MHI Vestas, NPI, Ørsted, RCG, TIPC, TPC and TÜV Rheinland. The workshop will include an introduction to the wind energy industry, Taiwan’s wind power policies, the role of developers and other industry players, as well as a technical introduction to the manufacturing and installation of wind turbines, other wind power equipment, marine vessels and engineering of offshore wind farm construction and operation and maintenance of wind farms and related topics. The second day of the workshop will include a visit to the GWO Training Center and a tour of an offshore wind farm vessel. The workshop will also serve as a venue for wind power operators to recruit talent for their local operations.
All the participants will receive a certification issued jointly by TIPC and the ECCT LCI.
This event will be of interest to wind energy industry practitioners, college students, teachers and academics.
Registration Fee: Students: NT$1,500; General public: NT$3,000
For further inquiry, please contact Ms. Chen Yu-Ching | 02-23895447 <yuching@twport.com.tw>
*Recommended accommodations :
Taichung Harbor Hotel (No.388, Sec.2, Dazhi Rd., Wuqi Dist., Taichung City)
The Huan Hotel Taichung (No. 818, Sec. 3, Taiwan Blvd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City)
Contact: Mr. Alan Ho | 0921-707-874 | Reservation form
地點: 臺灣港務公司海運發展園區教學大樓 (台中市梧棲區築港路100號)
主辦單位: 臺灣港務股份有限公司 (TIPC)/ 歐洲在臺商務協會 低碳倡議行動 (ECCT LCI)
協辦單位: 臺灣港務港勤公司 (TIPM)/ 臺灣風能訓練公司 (TIWTC)/ 金屬工業研究發展中心 (MIRDC)/ 台灣風力發電產業協會 (TWIA)
由臺灣港務公司 (Taiwan International Ports Corp.)及歐洲在臺商務協會低碳倡議行動 (ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative) 共同主辦的 2019 離岸風電工作坊將於9月5至6日,於臺灣港務公司海運發展園區 (台中) 開課,為期兩天一夜的精彩課程將邀請全球海陸域風電產業的中高階經理人進行交流分享,並安排於課程第二日進行導覽參訪: 臺灣港務港勤公司 (TIPM) - 離岸風電運維碼頭及CTV On boarding; 臺灣風能訓練公司 (TIWTC) - GWO 訓練中心。現場亦有風電業者設攤,提供人才招募說明。
講者包含艾納康 Enercon、必維國際檢驗集團 Bureau Veritas、達德集團 (wpd Group)子公司-德唯特公司 DWT、安能亞太 EnBW、德國在台協會、台灣菱重維特斯離岸風電 MHI Vestas、北陸電力 NPI、沃旭能源 Ørsted、睿思再生能源 RCG、臺灣港務公司 TIPC、臺灣電力公司 TPC、德國萊因公司 TÜV Rheinland 等全球風電產業之領導代表,課程內容針對風機技術、風電產業全球布局及概況、離岸風電港口作業、離岸風場開發及維運、陸域風場發展、以及海陸域風電產業的人才培育等不同面向,進行精彩分享與交流,對於未來有興趣踏入風電產業之業界人士、學生以及學界,提供最完整的一系列相關課程。
課程費用: 學生: NT$ 1,500;一般人士: NT$3,000
如果您對活動有進一步須詢問之處,請聯繫 陳玉清小姐 | 02-23895447 <yuching@twport.com.tw>
台中港酒店 (435台中市梧棲區大智路二段388號)
順天環匯酒店 (407台中市西屯區台灣大道三段818號) / 聯繫窗口: 賀威添先生 | 0921-707-874 | 預約表
*Please register on TIPC's website. Any registration made on ECCT's website is invalid.