
ECCT LCI Event: 2023 EU-Taiwan Hydrogen Roundtable 臺歐盟氫能圓桌論壇

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ECCT LCI Event: 2023 EU-Taiwan Hydrogen Roundtable 臺歐盟氫能圓桌論壇

2023/05/29       14:00 - 17:30      LCI Event / 低碳倡議行動活動      Speaker:Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, CEO, Hydrogen Europe 歐洲氫能協會執行長; Ms. Wang Mei-hua, MOEA Minister 經濟部王美花部長 (TBC); Mr. Yu Cheng-wei, Director General, BOE of MOEA 經濟部能源局游振偉局長(TBC); Lee Shun-chin, Chairman, CPC Taiwan 中油公司李順欽董事長; Wang Yao-ting, President, Taipower 台電公司王耀庭總經理
  • 本活動已經結束。


ECCT LCI Event -

2023 EU-Taiwan Hydrogen Roundtable

2023 臺歐盟氫能圓桌論壇 -

Date: Monday, 29 May
Time: 14:00 - 17:30 (Reception 13:30)
Venue: R101C, TICC  台北國際會議中心101C會議室  (No. 1, Sec. 5, Xinyi Road, Taipei 台北市信義路五段1號)
Organizers: ECCT Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) 低碳倡議行動、EU Centre in Taiwan (EUTW) 臺灣歐洲聯盟中心

With the global focus on reducing carbon emissions, hydrogen is seen as a highly promising clean energy source. In 2020, the European Commission adopted the "EU strategy on Hydrogen ", which aims to generate 1GW of hydrogen energy in Europe before 2030 and achieve widespread adoption of hydrogen energy in Europe by 2050. European countries have also set their own hydrogen energy development plans.

In Taiwan's energy transformation white paper, hydrogen energy is also seen as an important future energy source. In response to the government's goal of achieving zero carbon emissions by 2050, the development of relevant hydrogen energy industries and promotion of hydrogen energy applications are goals for all parties.

This forum is co-hosted by the European Union Centre in Taiwan and the European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan Low Carbon Initiative. It not only invites European and Taiwanese officials to explain bilateral policies and current situations, but also invites industry, academia, and other parties to exchange opinions on international cooperation, infrastructure, financial investment, and practical experience. The aim is to help all parties grasp the trend of hydrogen energy and promote the sustainable development of the industry.

Event Details

Date: 2023/05/29
Time: 14:00 - 17:30
Registration Deadline: 2023/03/31
Cancellation Deadline: 2023/05/25
Venue: R101C, TICC / 台北國際會議中心
Address: No. 1, Section 5, Xinyi Road / Taipei 台北市信義路五段1號
Cost: FREE
Contact: Ian Lee 李伯志
Phone: 02-2365-3457