
2023 EU-Taiwan Seminar on Standard Essential Patents

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2023 EU-Taiwan Seminar on Standard Essential Patents

2023/04/25       13:45 - 16:50      Committee Event / 委員會活動      Speaker:Anneli Andresson, DG TRADE, European Commission; Hu Zu-Shun, Director, Department of Planning , Fair Trade Commission; John Eastwood, Co-chair, ECCT Intellectual Property Rights Committee; Lai En-Shang, Patent examiner, Patent Division 2, TIPO
  • 本活動已經結束。



EU-ECCT Event -

2023 EU-Taiwan Seminar on Standard Essential Patents

2023 臺歐標準必要專利研討會 -


Date: Tuesday, 25 April
Time: 13:45 - 16:50
Venue: International Conference Hall, Tsai Lecture Hall, College of Law, NTU / 臺灣大學法律學院霖澤館國際會議廳 
Address: No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei / 台北市大安區羅斯福路四段1號

Organizers: Intellectual Property Office 經濟部智慧財產局; European Economic and Trade Office 歐洲經貿辦事處; European Business & Regulatory Cooperation Programme 歐盟在臺商業與法規合作計畫
Co-Organizers: European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan 歐洲在臺商務協會;  Industrial Technology Research Institute 工業技術研究院


*The registration is made valid on Intellectual Property Office Website. 請在智慧財產局網站報名。Sign up here!


With the booming development of communication technologies and Internet of Things (IoT) applications, the European Union seeks to create a fair and balanced licensing framework to include patent-protected technologies in standards. Taiwan’s well-known ICT manufacturing industry also faces major challenges in the disputes related to standard essential patents in global consumer markets. The 2023 EU-Taiwan Seminar on Standard Essential Patents invites experts from Taiwan and Europe to build consensus on the issues through in-depth discussions. The event aims to enhance the understanding of all sectors of society on standard essential patents and practical operations. We invite you to register for the seminar on 25 April 2023.




Contact: Ms. Wang / 02-2376-6133 / 

Event Details

Date: 2023/04/25
Time: 13:45 - 16:50
Registration Deadline:
Cancellation Deadline: 2023/04/21
Venue: International Conference Hall, Tsai Lecture Hall, College of Law, NTU
Address: No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei / 台北市大安區羅斯福路四段1號
Cost: FREE
Contact: Ms. Wang
Phone: 02-2376-6133