
AUTOMOTIVE COMMITTEE LUNCH: Industry Development Towards a Green Future Lunch with the Industrial Development Bureau 經濟部工業局, 呂正華 代理局長

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AUTOMOTIVE COMMITTEE LUNCH: Industry Development Towards a Green Future Lunch with the Industrial Development Bureau 經濟部工業局, 呂正華 代理局長

2017-05-16       12:00 - 14:00      Committee Lunch / 委員會午餐會      Speaker:Jang-hwa Leu
  • 本活動已經結束。

Industry Development Towards a Green Future
Lunch with the Industrial Development Bureau 
Guest speaker
Jang-hwa Leu, Acting Director-General, Industrial Development Bureau, 
Ministry of Economic Affairs 經濟部工業局,  呂正華 代理局長

12:00 – 14:00, Tuesday, 16 May 2017 
Grand Hyatt Taipei, 1F  Residence Two / 台北君悅酒店  君寓二
2, SongShou Road, Taipei  台北市信義區松壽路2

As awareness and promotion of environmental protection has continued to increase globally, Taiwan has also been speeding up the pace in responding to this disruptive transformation towards sustainability. Regarded as the locomotive of industrial development in Taiwan, the Industrial Development Bureau (IDB) has been responsible for promoting industry upgrades and transformation. In line with the administration's "five plus two" industry development plan, the IDB is currently focusing on the development of green energy technology, intelligent machinery, the development of an Asian Silicon Valley, biomedicine, national defense and aerospace, plus the development of a new agricultural paradigm and the promotion of circular economy concepts.

Whilst the transportation sector has been identified as one of the main sectors required for transformation towards sustainability, it is also IDB's responsibility to encourage fuel economy and carbon reduction technologies in vehicles. In December 2016, the Legislative Yuan extended subsidies on electric vehicles (EVs) for five more years. However, given the critical electricity supply situation in Taiwan, the lack of EV infrastructure and market incentives, the broader roll-out of EVs will take several years. In the interim period, the development of more fuel-efficient vehicles will remain an important focus.

At this event our guest speaker, Acting Director-General of the IDB Jang-hwa Leu together with relevant division directors will give an update on the government's current and future plans for green automotive initiatives in Taiwan as well as industry plans for smart machinery and green energy. In particular, they will give briefings on the following subjects:

  • Electric / new energy vehicle development plans
  • Smart machinery and green energy technologies

About the speaker
Jang-hwa Leu is the Acting Director-General of the Industrial Development Bureau (IDB), under the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MoEA). Prior to this he was the Deputy Director-General of the IDB since 2012. He began his career working for the Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA) and later the Department of Aviation and Navigation under the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MoTC). He went on to work for Department of Industrial Technology in the MoEA, before joining the IDB as Director of the IT Industries Division and later Secretary General, before taking on the role as Deputy Director-General. He holds a bachelor's degree in physics and a master's degree in electronic engineering from National Taiwan University and an EMBA from National Taipei University.

NT$1,700 for members; NT$2,300 for members' guest(s)
To cancel without penalty, written cancellations must be received 24 hours prior to the event.
Contact: Jill Fong / Tel 2740-0236 ext. 225 / /

Event Details

Date: 2017-05-16
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Registration Deadline: 2017-05-15
Venue: Grand Hyatt Taipei, 1F Residence Two / 台北君悅酒店 君寓二
Address: 2, SongShou Road, Taipei / 台北市信義區松壽路2號
Cost: NT$1,700 for members; NT$2,300 for members guest(s);
Contact: Jill Fong
Phone: 2740-0236 Ext. 225