
ECCT Cosmetics Committee Lunch - Beauty industry trends

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[Venue changed] ECCT Cosmetics Committee Lunch - Beauty industry trends

2023/03/24       12:00 - 14:00      Committee Lunch / 委員會午餐會      Speaker:Ms Marie-Anne Lezoraine, Managing Director, Worldpanel Division, Kantar Philippines & Taiwan; Dr Tammy JihHsuan Lin, Professor, College of Communication, National ChengChi University in Taiwan (NCCU)
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ECCT Cosmetics Committee Lunch

Beauty industry trends in Asia & Taiwan

Guest Speakers:

  • Tammy Lin (Jih-Hsuan), Distinguished Professor, National ChengChi University
  • Marie-Anne Lezoraine, Managing Director, Worldpanel Division, Kantar Philippines & Taiwan

Date & Time: Friday, 24 March, 12:00 - 14:00
Venue: 4F VIP 1 & 2, Regent Taipei / 台北晶華酒店 4F VIP 1 & 2
Address: No. 3, Ln. 39, Sec. 2 ZhongShan N. Rd., Taipei 104, Taiwan / 104台北市中山區中山北路二段39巷3號

Beauty trends in Asia have both been greatly influenced by European brands and their innovative products. In recent years, the beauty industry in Asia has seen a surge of interest in European beauty products, particularly those from France, Italy, and Germany, while many Asian brands have been successful in the west. Over the past year, like much of the world, consumer trends in the Asia Pacific region have been affected by inflation and the post-pandemic recovery. Meanwhile, the rise of the metaverse promises new and exciting ways for brand leaders to interact with and market their products to consumers. At this event our guest speakers will provide an update on beauty industry and shopping behaviour trends in Taiwan and Asia and opportunities and challenges for the rest of 2023.

Among other topics, they will talk about:
- Beauty shopper trends in the post pandemic and inflationary environment
- New habits and priorities of beauty shoppers
- Which beauty products consumers are choosing and why
- How to use the metaverse for brand marketing.

About the speakers

Marie-Anne Lezoraine is the Managing Director of the Worldpanel Division for Kantar Philippines & Taiwan. She has nearly 20 years of experience in consumer and shopper insights. She started her career in custom research but quickly moved to continuous purchase behaviour insights. She has continued to be fascinated by evolving shopping behaviour across the world since then. She started her journey with Kantar in the UK supporting the growth of global and regional clients there. She then pursued her journey in Asia: in Indonesia first, partnering with one of the largest companies in this market, followed by The Philippines as leader of the Worldpanel Division in that country and more recently relocated to Taiwan as Managing Director of Worldpanel Division for The Philippines and Taiwan.

Tammy Lin (Jih-Hsuan) is a distinguished professor in the College of Communication at National Chengchi 
University in Taiwan (NCCU). She received the first HTC VIVE in 2016. Her research focuses on virtual reality, the metaverse, digital games, and social media. She is interested in applying and employing communication technology to increase human psychological well-being and physical exercise. She also focuses on utilizing these technologies for marketing and persuasion. Her research has received top awards including the Excellence Research Award and Da-Yu Wu Young Scholar Research Award from the Taiwan National Science and Technology Council. In October 2022, her team was awarded a competitive research grant from Meta to study VR/AR policy. Tammy Lin engages closely with industry with research and keynote speeches, including a symposium hosted by The Economist Impact in 2022. She has conducted several industry projects and offers customized classes and speeches.

Cost: NT$1,600 for members and NT$2,400 for members' guest(s)

To cancel without penalty, written cancellations must be received 24 hours before the event.

Contact: Ivy Lin
Tel: 2740-0236 ext. 228 /

Event Details

Date: 2023/03/24
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Registration Deadline: 2023/03/22
Cancellation Deadline: 2023/03/24
Venue: 4F VIP 1 & 2, Regent Taipei / 台北晶華酒店 4F VIP 1 & 2
Address: No. 3, Ln. 39, Sec. 2 ZhongShan N. Rd., Taipei 104, Taiwan / 104台北市中山區中山北路二段39巷3號
Cost: NT$1,600 for members; NT$2,400 for members guest(s);
Contact: Ivy Lin
Phone: 02-27400236 ext.228