
ECCT Greater China Committee Lunch - China 2016: A tough balancing act

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ECCT Greater China Committee Lunch - China 2016: A tough balancing act

2016-04-19       12:00 - 14:00      Committee Lunch / 委員會午餐會      Speaker:Mr. Tony Phoo
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ECCT Greater China Committee Lunch 

China 2016 - A tough balancing act

Guest Speaker
Mr. Tony Phoo, Senior Economist, Standard Chartered Bank (Taiwan) Limited / 渣打國際商業銀行 高級經濟分析師 符銘財

12:00 - 14:00, Tuesday, 19 April 2016
Regent Taipei Hotel, Emporio A (B3) / 台北晶華酒店 晶英會A (B3)
No 3, Land 39, Section 2, ZhongShan N. Road, Taipei/ 台北市中山北路2段39巷3號  MAP

China's slowdown has become the top concern for businesses in Asia in 2016. Production data, including freight traffic, industrial production, electricity production, cement and steel output growth, which had been falling since 2010, are now contracting on an annual basis. Leading indicators including manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Indices (PMI) are now officially in contraction mode, indicating further declines in output ahead.

Chinese authorities face the tough challenge of balancing the need for sustainability, reform and growth. Urbanisation is continuing rapidly. The population is aging fast, despite a relaxation of the one-child policy. Ambitious outward development initiatives such as the "one-belt-one road" and the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) have been formulated but it remains to be seen if they will yield concrete results.

How will Chinese authorities deal with the country's multiple challenges and achieve the right balance? Can we expect any surprises in the next five-year plan? What are the key policy goals for 2016? What monetary and fiscal policies will be employed? Can we expect more stimulus or Chinese yuan devaluation? Will these policies be effective given overcapacity in certain manufacturing sectors? Can a transition from manufacturing to services be smoothly accomplished? How will the situation in mainland China affect the economies of Taiwan, others in Asia and globally? These are just some of the questions our speaker will address based on extensive research he has conducted in conjunction with his colleagues in the region.

About the speaker
Tony Phoo is a Senior Economist for Standard Chartered Bank (SCB) in Taiwan. He joined SCB (Taiwan) in 2007. As senior economist for the North East Asia region, he currently covers Taiwan and Greater China, as well as other regional economies, along with other colleagues based in the region. He has over fifteen years of economic research experience spanning various functions, both in Taiwan and Singapore. He was a senior economist for the Fixed Income Department with Capital Securities between 2003 and 2006. Prior to that, he held similar positions in economic research with the Development Bank of Singapore (DBS) and Overseas Chinese Banking Corporation (OCBC) while residing in Singapore. He holds a master's degree in international economics, banking and finance from the University of Wales, Cardiff (UWCC) and an honours degree in economics from the University of London.

NT$1,400 for members; NT$2,000 for members' guest(s)
*Please note that, effective from 1 January 2016, the price of ECCT lunch events has been raised by NT$100 owing to increased charges by hotels.

To Cancel without penalty, written cancellations must be received 24 hours prior to the event.
Contact: Jenny Wu / Tel 2740-0236 ext.219 /

Event Details

Date: 2016-04-19
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Registration Deadline: 2016-04-18
Venue: Regent Taipei Hotel, Emporio A (B3) / 台北晶華酒店 晶英會A (B3)
Address: No 3, Land 39, Section 2, ZhongShan N. Road, Taipei / 台北市中山北路2段39巷3號
Cost: NT$1,400 for members; NT$2,000 for members guest(s);
Contact: Jenny Wu
Phone: 2740-0236 ext. 219