
ECCT Healthcare Enhancement Committee Lunch with Common Health Magazine - Panel Discussion on Healthcare in Taiwan II 歐洲商會與康健雜誌:健保大論壇 2

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ECCT Healthcare Enhancement Committee Lunch with Common Health Magazine - Panel Discussion on Healthcare in Taiwan II 歐洲商會與康健雜誌:健保大論壇 2

2016-03-11       12:00 - 15:30      Committee Lunch / 委員會午餐會      Speaker:Michelle Lee
  • 本活動已經結束。

Healthcare Enhancement Committee Lunch co-hosted with Common Health Magazine

Panel Discussion on Healthcare in Taiwan: Future prospects for the healthcare system in the new political era

Speaker and Moderator:


Michelle Lee, President, Common Health Magazine
李瑟 康健雜誌 社長
  • Feng Yen, Minister without Portfolio, Executive Yuan 馮 燕 行政院政務委員
  • Wang Li-ling, Chairperson, Financial Supervisory Commission 王儷玲 金管會主委
  • Lee Yue-Chune, Political Deputy Minister, Ministry of Health and Welfare 李玉春 衛福部政務次長
  • Shiu Yung-Ming, Professor, Department of RM & Insurance, NCCU 許永明 政大風險管理與保險學系教授
  • Nicole Huang, Professor, Institute of Hospital Administration, NYMU 黃心苑 陽明大學醫務管理研究所教授
12:00 – 15:30, Friday, 11 March 2016
Regent Taipei Hotel VIP Room 5 - 6 (4/F) 台北晶華酒店4樓貴賓廳5-6號
No 3, Lane 39, Section 2, ZhongShan N, Rd. Taipei 台北市中山北路2段39巷3號  MAP

On 1 March 2015 Taiwan will mark the 20th anniversary of its public single-payer National Health Insurance (NHI) system, a universal health coverage scheme that provides comprehensive health insurance to Taiwan's 23.4 million citizens and foreign residents.

Although the NHIA covers the costs of essential healthcare spending, public insurance does not cover every type and aspect of healthcare. Looking ahead, ensuring the system's sustainability will be challenging given Taiwan's rapidly-aging society and the rising burden from non-communicable-diseases. Even though the Long-term Care Insurance Act is likely to be passed this year, overall public expenditure will continue to increase and resources are unlikely to be sufficient to cover all costs. A possible solution is to share the financial burden with the private sector. However, the extent of the involvement of the private sector in providing healthcare is the subject of debate between proponents of a social-welfare based system and proponents of a market-based system.

Among other topics our panelists will discuss the following:
  1. Should the national healthcare budget be increased to cater to increasing demand? How should authorities manage healthcare spending to cope with an aging society?
  2. What is the correct balance between public and private sector involvement in Taiwan's healthcare system? What should the scope of national health insurance be and what role can private insurance play?
  3. What steps can be taken to prevent waste and abuse of healthcare resources by both individuals and institutions?
  4. In the face of high cancer mortality rates, should authorities increase the budget for cancer prevention and treatment, speed-up new drugs reimbursement and consider balance billing for new drugs?
Cost: NT$1,400 for members; NT$2,000 for member's guest (non-members pay on site)
*Please note that, effective from 1 January 2016, the price of ECCT lunch events has been raised by NT$100 owing to increaed charges by hotels.
* This event conducted in Chinese. 活動以中文進行。
To cancel without penalty, written cancellations must be received 24 hours prior to the event.
Contact: Simon Cheng / Tel 2740-0236 ext. 228 /

Event Details

Date: 2016-03-11
Time: 12:00 - 15:30
Registration Deadline: 2016-03-09
Venue: Regent Taipei Hotel VIP Room 5 - 6 (4/F) / 台北晶華酒店4樓貴賓廳5-6號
Address: No 3, Lane 39, Section 2, ZhongShan N, Rd. Taipei / 台北市中山北路2段39巷3號
Cost: NT$1,400 for members; NT$2,000 for members guest(s);
Contact: Simon Cheng
Phone: 2740-0236 Ext. 228