
ECCT Intellectual Property Rights committee Lunch- Featuring Hong Shu-ming (洪淑敏局長), Director-General of the Taiwan Intellectual Property Rights Office (TIPO), MOEA

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ECCT Intellectual Property Rights committee Lunch- Featuring Hong Shu-ming (洪淑敏局長), Director-General of the Taiwan Intellectual Property Rights Office (TIPO), MOEA

2017-11-22       12:00 - 14:00      Committee Lunch / 委員會午餐會      Speaker:Hong Shu-ming (洪淑敏局長)
  • 本活動已經結束。

ECCT Intellectual Property Rights Committee Lunch

Recent international IPR trends: 
Taiwan's IPR status, challenges and future prospects 
Hong Shu-ming (洪淑敏局長), Director-General of the Intellectual Property Rights Office (TIPO), Ministry Of Economic Affairs, R.O.C.

Christina Chao 趙美璇 is the Co-Chairperson of the ECCT's IPR committee, and Senior Counselor at Lee and Li Attorneys-at-Law.Panellists
Hong Shu-ming 洪淑敏局長 is the Director-General of the Intellectual Property Rights Office (TIPO), Ministry Of Economic Affairs, R.O.C.

George CC Chen 陳家駿律師 is the Vice Chairman of the Taiwan Association of Information Technology & Intellectual Property, and Senior Counsel at KPMG Law Firm.

12:00 – 14:00, Wednesday, 22 November 2017
Mandarin Oriental, Taipei, B2F
 Mandarin BALLROOM II / 文華東方酒店 B2 文華廳貳
No. 158 Dunhua North Road, Taipei / 台北市敦化北路 158 號

Taiwan has made progress in recent years towards improving intellectual property rights protection. In 2016 authorities took steps towards the establishment of a pharmaceutical patent linkage system, which is expected to enhance protection of innovative pharmaceuticals by preventing market approval of generic competitors to patent-protected medicines. In October 2017 the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office (TIPO) submitted a bill to the Legislative Yuan which features a total of 93 amendments and 17 new articles to the Copyright Act. Among other amendments the bill redefines the types of activities that require permission to show or play copyrighted material. For example, the live broadcasting of a sports game at a bar would need to be authorized by whoever holds the rights to the broadcast under the amended act. However, even if the bill is passed, enforcement is likely to be difficult. Moreover, there are concerns about removing or relaxing current penal provisions and no longer treating copyright violations as public crimes. Other IPR concerns facing businesses in Taiwan include the IP Court's handling of trademark-use issues by unauthorized parties.

This event, hosted by the ECCT's IPR committee, is being held to raise awareness of the challenges facing Taiwan in achieving stronger IPR protection in line with international best practices and standards, and what this means for the international business community. At the event our guests will engage in a panel discussion on the following topics, among others:
· Taiwan's enforcement of IP rights: Taiwan's policy and directions to enhance IP protection and enforcement to meet international best practices and future developments
· Balancing IP rights and other interests: Achievements and challenges in diverse areas relating to copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and other IP issues; recent encouraging developments; what these mean for business; and the way forward.

Notice *This event will be conducted in Chinese.

NT$1,400 for members; NT$2,000 for members' guest(s)

To Cancel without penalty, written cancellations must be received 24 hours prior to the event.
Contact: Salli yueh / Tel 2740-0236 ext.219 /

Event Details

Date: 2017-11-22
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Registration Deadline: 2017-11-21
Venue: Oriental, Taipei, B2F Mandarin BALLROOM II / 文華東方酒店 B2 文華廳貳
Address: No. 158 Dunhua North Road, Taipei / 台北市敦化北路 158 號
Cost: NT$1,400 for members; NT$2,000 for members guest(s);
Contact: Salli Yueh
Phone: 2740-0236 ext. 219