ECCT LCI Event - 2021 Taiwan Climate Action Expo 台灣氣候行動博覽會
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ECCT Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) Event
2021 Taiwan Climate Action Expo 台灣氣候行動博覽會
Date: 3-5 December 2021
Format: Hybrid
Venue: Kaohsiung Pier 2 Art Center Penglai Warehouses B3 / B4 (高雄駁二藝術特區蓬萊倉庫B3 / B4)
Organizers: Kaohsiung City Gov., International Climate Development Institute (ICDI), Biodiversity Research Center, National Taiwan University
Co-Organizers: ECCT Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) is one of the co-organizers
Contact: Zene Fan, 02-2740-0236*229 / Email: zene.fan@ecct.com.tw
Register Here! 請點此報名! (Any registration made on the ECCT website is invalid)
Taiwan Climate Action Exposition (TWCAE), is a leading exhibition regarding to climate-related issues in Taiwan, emphasizing on the collaboration of the public and private sectors to take climate actions and to reverse the potential impact of climate change. The Expo includes 4 exhibition areas and 5 forums. It provides a great platform to initiate dialogues and showcase strategies and experiences of climate adaptation and mitigation, which take into account intergenerational equity and the right of minority groups, as well as strengthen the policy implementation of Taiwan’s energy transition and Net-Zero transition.
聯合國政府間氣候變遷專門委員會(IPCC)警告全球升溫超過攝氏1.5度將可能帶來難以控制的氣候危機,身為這一世代的臺灣公民,我們握有最關鍵的改變力量。2021「臺灣氣候行動博覽會-逆轉未來」,打造臺灣第一場以氣候行動為主軸的跨界平台,展開公、私營部門對話,共同推動永續的未來。本次博覽會規劃 4 大展區及5場系列論壇,集結臺灣氣候變遷領域最頂尖的產、官、學、研之專業人士,展示減碳與調適的具體作為,展開共同的行動,並兼顧世代公平和少數群體的權利,加強台灣能源轉型和淨零轉型的政策實施,來一起逆轉未來可能發生的氣候變遷衝擊。
Day1: 3 December, Friday 14:00-17:10
Day2: 4 December, Saturday 9:00-12:10 (Morning) / 14:00-17:00 (Afternoon)
Day3: 5 December, Sunday 9:00-12:10 (Morning) / 13:00-15:45 (Afternoon)
*Please sign up the event HERE. Any registration made on the ECCT website is invalid. 請點此報名,在歐洲商會網站註冊是無效的。
*The registration will be verified and approved by the event organizer. 主辦單位將保有最後審核及確定報名之權利。
*We reserve the right to amend the agenda and speakers. 主辦單位將有權更改活動議程。