ECCT LCI Event - Net Zero Transformation and Green Energy Promotion Forum 淨零轉型與綠能推動高峰論壇
- 本活動已經結束。

ECCT Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) Event
Net Zero Transformation and Green Energy Promotion Forum
Register Here! 請點此報名! (Any registration made on the ECCT website is invalid)
Date: Thursday, 9 December 2021
Time: 10:00 - 16:45
Venue: Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 2 – 1st Floor, Room Q1201 / 南港展覽館二館1樓 Q1201 (Address: 1F, No. 2, Jingmao 2nd Rd, Nangang District, Taipei City / 台北市南港區經貿二路2號)
Advisor: Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA)
Co-organizer: ECCT Low Carbon Initiative (LCI), MOEA BOE, Green Energy Industry Promotion Center (GEIPC), SEMI
On 9 December, the ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative (#LCI) together with MOEA BOE, Green Energy Industry Promotion Center (GEIPC) and SEMI will organize the "Net Zero Transformation and Green Energy Promotion Summit Forum 淨零轉型與綠能推動高峰論壇”.
The event will be arranged in a hybrid, live and online format. It will highlight three major topics: 1) New Target of Energy Transformation-Accelerating Net Zero, 2) New Business Opportunities- Practical Guide for Industrial Transformation, 3) New Fashion of Green Living-To an Eco-friendly and Sustainable Future.
As the world embraces the trend of circular economy, green energy and carbon reduction actions are no longer just manifestations of enterprises’ ambitions, but a key aspect to obtaining global sustainable business opportunity and enhancing enterprise resilience and competitiveness.
During the exhibition period, international forums will also be held for in-depth analysis of the trends of renewable energy industry, in aim to accelerate on all fronts the transition to green energy. Representatives of MOEA, IDB as well as Ralph Uhlmann, Business Development Director of Porsche, Olivier Letessier, President of Air Liquide, and Linda Wang, Sustainability Manager of IKEA will share their insight on the use of renewable energy and its influence on Taiwan’s status in the international supply chain.
Energy Taiwan 2021 台灣國際智慧能源週 展區規劃聚焦四大領域:太陽光電、風能、智慧儲能及氫能,串聯國內外能源大廠參展,促進媒合商機,開拓台灣本土產業鏈合作機會。在淨零永續的全球趨勢之下,首度擴大多元創能、節能、綠電採購交易與綠色金融等特色專區,展示臺灣最完整的能源產業經濟體系,展會期間同時舉辦國際論壇,深度剖析再生能源產業趨勢脈動,全面加速綠能轉型。邀請國內外知名產業菁英分享最新技術及趨勢,以促進再生能源產業國際交流。
*Please sign up the event HERE. Any registration made on the ECCT website is invalid. 請點此報名,在歐洲商會網站註冊無效。
*The registration will be verified and approved by the event organizer. 主辦單位將保有最後審核及確定報名之權利。
*We reserve the right to amend the agenda and speakers. 主辦單位將有權更改活動議程。