
ECCT LCI Programme – 2024 ECCT & NTU Offshore Wind Seminar I – Day 2

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ECCT LCI Programme – 2024 ECCT & NTU Offshore Wind Seminar I – Day 2

2024/07/11       09:30 - 17:00      LCI Event / 低碳倡議行動活動      Speaker:Ethan Tsai, Director of the New Energy Business Services, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Taiwan; Mark Richmond, Senior Engineer and Project Manager, DNV AS Taiwan Branch; Don Yang, Country Manager, Boskalis Taiwan; YD Chang, Head of Public Affairs Taiwan, Vestas Offshore Wind Taiwan; Evanny Hsu, Sales Manager, Deutsche Windtechnik
  • 本活動已經結束。

ECCT Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) Programme

Offshore Wind Power Industry Talent and Technology Cultivation Project

2024 ECCT & NTU Offshore Wind Seminar I – Day 2

Guests of honour:
Dr. Chiang Mao-Hsiung, Dean of College of Engineering, National Taiwan University 臺灣大學工學院院長 江茂雄

Ethan Tsai, Director of the New Energy Business Services, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Taiwan 資誠聯合會計師事務所再生能源事業服務副總經理 蔡宗達
Mark Richmond, Senior Engineer and Project Manager, DNV AS Taiwan Branch 挪威商立恩威驗證股份有限公司再生能源驗證團隊資深工程師及專案經理
Don Yang, Country Manager, Boskalis Taiwan 荷蘭商波斯卡利斯台灣股份有限公司臺灣總經理 楊松樾
YD Chang, Head of Public Affairs Taiwan, Vestas Offshore Wind Taiwan 台灣維特斯離岸風電股份有限公司公共事務資深經理 張雅惇
Evanny Hsu, Sales Manager, Deutsche Windtechnik
德唯特股份有限公司業務經理 徐子琇

Date & Time: Wednesday, 11 July 2024, 10:00-17:00 (Reception starts at 09:30 & 13:30)

Venue: 2F, 203 International Convention Hall, College of Engineering, National Taiwan University 臺灣大學校總區工學院2203國際會議廳
Address: No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei City 台北市大安區羅斯福路四段1號 (近復興南路後門)
Organizers: ECCT Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) 歐洲在臺商務協會-低碳倡議行動, College of Engineering, National Taiwan University 臺灣大學工學院
Registration: LINK

Following the launch of the “Taiwan Offshore Wind Power Talent Cultivation Alliance” funded by the Ministry of Education and in collaboration with the Yunlin County Government on 5 Sept. 2023, NTU continues to collaborate with ECCT Low Carbon Initiative this year in 2024 to set up a series of educational programmes. “The Offshore Wind Power Industry Talent and Technology Cultivation Project” is being led by the NTU president and Dean Chiang Mao-hsiung, who is Executive Director of the project. It will also collaborate with five technological universities, namely National Formosa University, Taipei City University of Science & Technology, Chienkuo Technology University, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, and National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, as well as corporate entities such as the Metal Industries Research & Development Centre and Taiwan Construction Research Institute. By effectively integrating resources, the project aims to create a comprehensive domestic ecosystem and industrial chain for the offshore wind power industry. It also seeks to establish a cross-disciplinary platform for industry-academia-government-research collaboration to promote local industry development, enhance industrial technological capabilities and international competitiveness. The ultimate goal is to make progress towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

If you are interested in participating in the two-day Seminar and would like to learn more about the event details, please kindly register through this LINK.  

Event Details

Date: 2024/07/11
Time: 09:30 - 17:00
Registration Deadline: 2024/07/11
Cancellation Deadline: 2024/07/08
Venue: 2F, 203 International Convention Hall, College of Engineering, National Taiwan University 臺灣大學校總區工學院2樓203國際會議廳
Address: No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei City / 台北市大安區羅斯福路四段1號 (近後門)
Cost: FREE
Contact: Annie Shih
Phone: 02-2740-0236 #229