[Fully booked] [Time Changed] ECCT Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) Lunch & Forum: Holistic Energy Planning-Energy Efficiency and Corporate Buy-in 台灣整體能源規畫及企業採購綠電論壇暨午餐會
- 本活動已經結束。

Low Carbon Initiative Lunch and Forum
Following Immediately after the LCI's 2019 AGM
Holistic Energy Planning: Energy Efficiency and Corporate Buy-in
Guests of honour and keynote speakers
Yang Wei-fuu, Chairman, Taiwan Power Company 楊偉甫董事長/ 台灣電力公司
Lee Chun-li, Deputy Director-General, Bureau of Energy (BOE), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) 李君禮副局長/ 經濟部能源局
Dr Chang Chung-liang, Vice President, Taiwan Power Company 張忠良博士/ 台電副總經理
Sean McDermott, General Manager, Northland Power 馬聖安/ 北陸能源總經理
Dr John Pien, General Manager, Grundfos 邊士杰博士/ 丹麥格蘭富公司總經理
Bob Chuang, Business Manager of Industrial Air, Atlas Copco 莊柏彥/ 瑞典阿特拉斯科普柯公司產品線經理
Wu Chih-wei, Director of Electricity Div., BOE, MOEA 吳志偉/ 經濟部能源局電力組組長
Eric Lin, Managing Director & Of Counsel, PwC Taiwan 林信宏/ 普華法律董事暨資深顧問
Date: 12:00 - 16:00, Tuesday, 3 December 2019
Venue: The Residence, Grand Hyatt Hotel (2F)/ 台北君悅酒店 凱寓
Address: 2F, No. 2, Songshou Road, Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 台北市松壽路二號二樓
In August 2018 the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) published a working paper titled "Synergies between Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency" proving that energy efficiency can enable a more rapid shift to renewable energy in all countries and sectors. On 12 April 2019 Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan passed an amendment to the Renewable Energy Act, which raises the national target for renewable energy to 27 gigawatts by 2025. To reach Taiwan’s ambitious renewable energy target, improved energy efficiency is needed in both the supply and consumption of energy. This lunch and forum have been arranged to examine the concept of holistic energy planning that covers both the government and industry players’ roles in improving energy efficiency. The forum will also explore the latest strategies and technologies in energy efficiency that can bring significant benefits for business and the environment.
The forum is organised by the ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) and Taiwan Power Company (TPC), to discuss technologies and strategies to achieve energy efficiency, renewable energy trading, and corporate Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) in Taiwan. During the lunch, Mr Yang Wei-Fuu, Chairman of TPC 台電楊偉甫董事長 and Mr Lee Chun-Li, Deputy Director-General of the Bureau of Energy (BOE) 能源局李君禮副局長 will give policy keynotes on Taiwan’s holistic energy planning from the perspective of the TPC and the BOE.
12:00-12:30 Networking cocktail reception
12:30-13:30 Premium Lunch: Policy keynote from the BOE and Taiwan Power Co.
- Guests of Honor:
Mr. Yang Wei-Fuu, Chairman, Taiwan Power Co. (TPC) 楊偉甫董事長/ 台灣電力公司
Mr. Lee Chun-Li, Deputy Director-General, Bureau of Energy (BOE), MOEA 李君禮副局長/ 經濟部能源局
13:25-13:30 VIP Photo & ECCT Tokens
13:30-14:30 Session I: Holistic energy-saving strategy and efficiency programs
- Moderator:
Dr. Chang Chung-Liang, Vice President of Taiwan Power Co. 張忠良博士/ 台電公司副總經理 - Speaker:
Dr. John Pien, General Manager, Grundfos 邊士杰博士/ 格蘭富公司總經理
Mr. Bob Chuang, Business Manager of Industrial Air, Atlas Copco 莊柏彥/ 阿特拉斯科普柯產品線經理
14:30-14:45 Networking Coffee
14:45-16:00 Session II: Corporate renewable purchase agreement (PPA) structures and case studies
- Moderator:
Sean McDermott, General Manager, Northland Power 馬聖安總經理/ 北陸能源 - Speaker:
Mr. Wu Chih-Wei, Director of Electricity Division, Bureau of Energy (BOE), MOEA 吳志偉/ 經濟部能源局電力組組長
Mr. Eric Lin, Managing Director & Of Counsel, PwC Taiwan 林信宏/ 普華法律董事暨資深顧問
16:00- Closing
This event is with limited seats.
The speech will be presented in Mandarin with English summary.
NT$2,400 for members; NT$2,700 for non-members and guest(s); NT$22,000 per table of ten persons.
To cancel without penalty, written cancellations must be received 24 hours prior to the event.
Contact: Cindy Ke / Tel: 2740-0236 ext. 229 / cindy.ke@ecct.com.tw