ECCT Webinar - Covid-19最新紓困方案-商業服務業營業衝擊補貼 - Taiwan's Covid-19 economic relief package - Stimulus 4.0
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ECCT Webinar
Taiwan's Covid-19 economic relief package - Stimulus 4.0
*This event will be conducted in Chinese 本活動將以中文進行
Opening Remarks
Emile M. P. Chang, CEO, InvesTaiwan, MOEA / Director-General DOIS, MOEA
投資臺灣事務所執行長 / 經濟部投資業務處處長
Guest Speaker
Weng Ching-Ting, Section Chief, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA)
Hsu Wan-Rong,Executive Officer, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA)
Date: Wednesday, 16 June 2021
Time: 13:30 - 15:00 (Taipei time)
Venue: Sign-in instructions will be emailed to all registered participants prior to the webinar
Address: Sign-in instructions will be emailed to all registered participants prior to the webinar
Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan has passed an amendment to the Special Act for Prevention, Relief and Revitalization Measures for Severe Pneumonia with Novel Pathogens and increased the special budget supporting coronavirus economic relief measures from NT$420 billion to NT$840 billion in total. From 7-18 June daily legislative sessions will be held to review and debate how the budget should be allocated.
The act was first introduced last year following the global spread of the pandemic and was initially capped at NT$210 billion, but has now received three additional increases, including the latest one of NT$260 billion.
In addition to doubling the budget cap, the amendment also extends the act for another year, meaning that it will now expire on 30 June 2022. While details have not yet been finalised, the coronavirus support package will include a support for businesses, families, and workers. One of the planned subsidies is a one-off payment of NT$10,000 per child to families with children of elementary school age and younger as well as teenage students with disabilities. There is also a proposed one-time subsidy of NT$10,000-30,000 for farmers, fishers, tour guides, taxi drivers and the self-employed, among others.
At this event, our guest speaker will give an update on the cabinet’s budget spending priorities and proposals indicating which industries, companies and individuals will be eligible for relief and stimulus funds.
NT$ 250 for members; NT$ 250 for members' guest(s)
Note: Participation will be limited to 45 people
To cancel without penalty, written cancellations must be received 24 hours prior to the event.
Contact: Fiona Lee/ Tel 2740-0236 ext.216 / fiona.lee@ecct.com.tw / www.ecct.com.tw