
ECCT Premium Event - 2023 Europe Day Dinner

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[Fully booked] ECCT Premium Event - 2023 Europe Day Dinner

2023/05/25       18:00 - 21:30      Premium Event / 菁英午餐會      Speaker:N/A
  • 本活動已經結束。

ECCT Premium Event

2023 Europe Day Dinner
Strengthening Taiwan's Resilience

Invited keynote speaker:
 Dr. Tsai Ing-wen, President, Republic of China (Taiwan)

Date: Thursday, 25 May 2023
Time: 18:00 - 21:30

Venue: 5F, Grand Ballroom, Taipei Marriott Hotel / 台北萬豪酒店5樓萬豪廳
Address: 199, Lequn 2nd Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei / 台北市中山區樂群二路199號

We cordially invite you to attend the ECCT's 2023 Europe Day Dinner, held annually to mark Europe Day, which celebrates the anniversary of the Schuman declaration, the precursor to the establishment of the European common market and, later, the European Union. For the ECCT, the dinner will once again be celebrating the close cooperation between the Taiwan government and the local and European business community in Taiwan that has formed the bedrock for shared prosperity. The theme of this year's dinner, "Strengthening Taiwan's Resilience", was chosen to highlight the numerous ways that the European business community is contributing to Taiwan’s economic and social development in cooperation with its local business partners, government and civic organisations.

The ECCT has invited President Tsai Ying-wen as our guest of honour and keynote speaker. As in previous years, we will also invite some 200 other prominent guests, including cabinet ministers, senior government officials, city mayors and leaders of Taiwanese business groups.

This event is a unique networking opportunity for ECCT members to invite their business associates and colleagues to mingle with some 700 attending guests.

The Europe Day Dinner is renowned for its programme, which will include a dinner featuring fine European cuisine and a selection of excellent European wines, champagne and an assortment of other drinks to make the evening even more enjoyable for you and your guests.

Members can reserve either a table or individual seats for the Europe Day Dinner. Government officials are invited as guests of the ECCT at no cost to members. As is tradition, the ECCT will be donating a portion of proceeds to a local charity organisation. We further offer the opportunity for member companies to become corporate sponsors of the event and have the opportunity to communicate their brands to a very targeted audience.

Event rate: NT$5,700 per person or NT$55,000 per table of ten persons
Cancellation date: 8 May 2023 (cancellation after this date or in case of no-show full rate will be charged)

For event enquiries please contact Lucy Huang 02-2740-0236 #214 /


I. Gold Sponsors (All slots have been filled)


II. Silver Sponsors (All slots have been filled)

Event Details

Date: 2023/05/25
Time: 18:00 - 21:30
Registration Deadline: 2023/04/14
Cancellation Deadline: 2023/05/08
Venue: 5F, Grand Ballroom, Taipei Marriott Hotel / 台北萬豪酒店5樓萬豪廳
Address: 199, Lequn 2nd Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei / 台北市中山區樂群二路199號
Cost: NT$NT$5,700 per person or NT$55,000 per table of ten persons for members; NT$NT$5,700 per person or NT$55,000 per table of ten persons for members guest(s);
Contact: Lucy Huang
Phone: 02-2740-0236 #214