
ECCT Premium Event - 2023 Family Friendly Alliance Summit

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[Waiting List] ECCT Premium Event - 2023 Family Friendly Alliance Summit

2023/03/14       08:30 - 14:00      Premium Event / 菁英午餐會      Speaker:Filip Grzegorzewski, Head of Office, European Economic and Trade Office; Moderator:Fran Milnes, Country President, Novartis (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.; Guest speakers & Panelists:Cindy Chen, Regional Head, Adecco Taiwan & South Korea & Co-Chair, Family Friendly Alliance; Howard Shiu, Partner, Baker McKenzie & Co-chair, ECCT Human Resources committee; Emily Tiemann, Manager, Health Policy Team of Economist Impact; Boonhuey Ee, General Manager, Merck Healthcare Taiwan; Managing Director, Merck Hong Kong and Macau & Co-chair, Family Friendly Alliance; Shih Keh-her, Deputy Minister, National Development Council; Frances Milnes, Country President, Novartis (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.; Li-Feng Lee, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Health and Welfare
  • 本活動已經結束。

ECCT Premium Event

The “S” in ESG: Sustainable Population, Sustainable Economy -
How employers can make an impact and serve as role models


Invited guest of honour

  • Filip Grzegorzewski, Head of Office, European Economic and Trade Office


  • Fran Milnes, Country President, Novartis (Taiwan) Co., Ltd.

Guest speakers & Panelists (in alphabetical order of company name)

  • Cindy Chen, Regional Head, Adecco Taiwan & South Korea & Co-Chair, Family Friendly Alliance
  • Howard Shiu, Partner, Baker McKenzie & Co-chair, ECCT Human Resources committee
  • Sherman Yu, Vice President and General Manager of GSK Taiwan
  • Emily Tiemann, Manager, Health Policy Team of Economist Impact
  • Boonhuey Ee, General Manager, Merck Healthcare Taiwan; Managing Director, Merck Hong Kong and Macau & Co-chair, Family Friendly Alliance
  • Shih Keh-her, Deputy Minister, National Development Council 
  • Li-Feng Lee, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Health and Welfare

Date: 14 March 2023
Time: 08:30-14:00
Venue: 5F, Junior Ballroom, Taipei Marriott Hotel / 台北萬豪酒店5樓宜華廳
Address: 199, Lequn 2nd Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei / 台北市中山區樂群二路199號

Taiwan’s population declined for a third consecutive year in 2022, falling by 110,674 people from the previous year as the country saw both its lowest number of births and highest number of deaths on record. Taiwan now has one of world’s lowest birth rates. For the whole of 2022, the number of births hit a record low of 138,986, down by 14,834 from 2021's total of 153,820. The 2022 figure represents a crude birth rate of 5.96 births per 1,000 people, a decline from 6.55 in 2021 and the first time the rate has fallen below 6 in the 47 years since the statistics were first compiled.

The reasons for Taiwan’s shifting demographics are varied and complex but the shrinking birth rate and population and ageing society will have profound consequences for society and the economy as the workforce decreases and the number of ageing dependents increases.

This summit has been arranged by the ECCT’s Family Friendly Alliance to examine the major demographic trends and challenges facing Taiwan and seek to find possible solutions to address them and offer ways to create a family friendly environment in Taiwan. The event will feature presentations by government officials and industry experts on topics including demographic challenges, advancing family-friendly policies to support population growth and a sustainable economy, addressing work-life conflicts and proposing labour law reforms for a family friendly environment, among others.    

About the FFA
The ECCT’s Family Friendly Alliance (FFA) was established in 2022 as a platform for collaboration among various stakeholders to address the challenges resulting from Taiwan’s low birth-rate and ageing population. Its mission is to cooperate with the government, medical professionals, research institutions, NGOs and other stakeholders to find and promote solutions to support a healthy and sustainable population development, in particular, falling birth rates, an increasingly ageing population, and to create a family friendly environment in Taiwan.




Cost: NT$3,200 for members and NT$3,800 for members' guest(s)

NT$30,000 per table of 10 for members

To cancel without penalty, written cancellations must be received by Tuesday, 7 March.


Contact: Ivy Lin Tel: 2740-0236 ext. 228 /



Event Details

Date: 2023/03/14
Time: 08:30 - 14:00
Registration Deadline: 2023/03/09
Cancellation Deadline: 2023/03/03
Venue: 5F, Junior Ballroom, Taipei Marriott Hotel / 台北萬豪酒店5樓宜華廳
Address: 199, Lequn 2nd Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei / 台北市中山區樂群二路199號
Cost: NT$3,200 for members; NT$3,800 for members guest(s);
Contact: Ivy Lin
Phone: 02-27400236 ext.228