[New Event Time] ECCT Premium Event - 2022 Position Papers launch
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Launch of the ECCT's 2022 Position Papers
Invited guest of honour: Dr Kung Ming-hsin, Minister, National Development Council 國發會主委龔明鑫
Position Paper Presenter: H. Henry Chang, Chairman, ECCT
Date: Thursday, 25 November 2021
Time: 12:00 – 14:00
Venue: Grand Hyatt Taipei, Grand Ballroom II (3F) /台北君悅酒店三樓凱悅二廳
Address: No.2, Songshou Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City / 台北市信義區松壽路2號
The coronavirus pandemic has continued to have an outsize impact on the global economy for the second consecutive year in 2021. In Taiwan, while the travel and hospitality sectors have borne the brunt of the impact of border and other Covid-19 restrictions, Taiwan's exporters, especially of electronics goods and components are having a bumper year. Meanwhile, most multinational corporations operating in Taiwan have been much more affected by what is happening in the rest of the world than factors in Taiwan. Taiwan's economic prospects in 2022 will once again depend much on the trajectory of the pandemic globally, especially in Taiwan's major export markets. But questions are now being asked about when and to what extent Covid restrictions should be eased, especially as Taiwan's vaccine rollout is proceeding smoothly, and is Taiwan ready for the post-pandemic era?
Despite the pandemic, the ECCT has maintained a high level and frequency of engagement with the Taiwan government, especially through meetings between ECCT committees and government officials, including Premier Su, cabinet ministers, heads of bureaus, departments, agencies, and numerous working level officials. Thanks to these exchanges and the government’s proactive approach, progress has been made on many of the issues raised in the 2021 Position Papers. At the launch of the ECCT's 2022 Position Papers, we will review progress made and introduce the new papers that highlight priority issues and share European experiences, best practices and models with the government that are aimed at ensuring Taiwan's continued economic prosperity.
As is tradition, the Minister of the National Development Council (NDC) has been invited to the launch to receive a copy of the 2022 Position Papers and make a few remarks on behalf of the Taiwan government.
About the ECCT's Position Papers
The ECCT's Position Papers are published annually by the ECCT and include a collection of industry-specific issues and recommendations from a European business perspective on how to further improve the business environment in Taiwan. This year's papers, compiled by the 25 of the ECCT's 29 committees, primarily address the Taiwan government, but also serve to inform the European Commission, the governments of the individual European member states as well as the media and the general public.
NT$1,600 for members and NT$2,200 for members' guest(s)
*To cancel without penalty, written cancellations must be received 24 hours prior to the event.
Contact: Fiona Lee / Tel: 2740-0236 ext. 216 / Fiona.lee@ecct.com.tw