
ECCT Premium Event: Michael Page 2017 Asia Salary & Employment Outlook

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ECCT Premium Event: Michael Page 2017 Asia Salary & Employment Outlook

2017-02-07       12:00 - 14:00      Premium Event / 菁英午餐會     
  • 本活動已經結束。

Michael Page Salary & Employment Outlook 

Launch of the 2017 report for Asia 
Conducted by Michael Page in cooperation with the European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan
Guest speakers
Andy Bentote, Senior Managing Director, Greater China, Michael Page
Tony Phoo, Senior Economist, NEA, Standard Chartered Bank (Taiwan) Ltd.
12:00 – 14:00, Tuesday, 7 February 2017
The Sherwood Taipei, Ballroom (3F) / 台北西華飯店3樓 宴會廳
111 Min Sheng E. Road, Sec 3, Taipei / 台北市民生東路三段111號
Companies in Asia are ramping up efforts to seize growth opportunities in the region, despite weaker global economic sentiment. By investing heavily in mobile-technology start-ups and other innovations, such as financial technology (fintech) services, employers are creating new positions with an emphasis on digital skills. Healthcare too, is another industry expected to perform well in Asia.
In Taiwan, businesses are more inclined to hire when appointing key business-critical roles or when replacing headcount. Almost half of employers (45%) expect headcount to stay the same over the next 12 months. Another 46% said they expected to increase headcount in 2017, on par with the Asia average of 44%.
These figures were based on the responses of over 3,400 employers across Asia (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia) who took part in the 2017 Michael Page Asia Salary and Employment Outlook survey. The report also features insights into employment conditions, key employment skills in demand, sector trends and benchmarks from employers across the regions and the Michael Page senior leadership team.
At this Premium Event lunch, Andy Bentote will introduce the Michael Page 2017 Asia Salary & Employment Outlook, presented in association with the ECCT, covering an outlook of the regional and domestic recruitment market in 2017 across the full range of sectors including technology, healthcare and e-commerce.
The annual Michael Page Salary & Employment Outlook is a key recruitment industry report in Asia and has become a valuable source of information for both employers and jobseekers alike. The report is based on quantitative surveys and qualitative roundtables conducted with employers from various industries across Asia, in addition to in-depth insights obtained through the business' significant involvement in the professional employment market.
Also at the event, Tony Phoo from Standard Chartered Bank will give a presentation on the bank's forecasts and sentiment for 2017 in Taiwan, the implications for the wider economy and how this will impact business.
About Andy Bentote
Andy Bentote is the Senior Managing Director of Greater China at PageGroup and leads all areas of the business across the region. This spans the 10 offices located in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan. Since joining PageGroup in 1994, Andy has been responsible for driving various businesses to record levels, building up the leadership team, increasing the growth of market share, people development as well as mentoring of new local and international staff. His experience exceeds 20 years of expanding recruitment businesses internationally as well as the development of leaders and employees across Greater China and the UK.
About Tony Phoo
Tony provides on-the-ground views and analysis on economic trends and outlook in Taiwan. He speaks regularly at in-house seminars and external client events, and is often quoted by the local and international press on issues pertaining to Taiwan. Tony joined the Bank in 2007. He was previously senior economist for the fixed income department of Capital Securities Corp. Prior to this, he held similar responsibilities in economic research with DBS and OCBC banks in Singapore. Tony graduated from the University of Wales with a Master's in international economics, banking and finance.

NT$1,400 for members; NT$2,000 for members' guest(s)
To Cancel without penalty, written cancellations must be received 24 hours prior to the event.
Contact: Fiona Lee / Tel 2740-0236 ext. 215 / /

Event Details

Date: 2017-02-07
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Registration Deadline: 2017-02-06
Venue: The Sherwood Taipei, Ballroom (3F) / 台北西華飯店3樓 宴會廳
Address: 111 Min Sheng E. Road, Sec 3, Taipei / 台北市民生東路三段111號
Cost: NT$1,400 for members; NT$2,000 for members guest(s);
Contact: Fiona Lee
Phone: 2740-0236 Ext. 215