
ECCT Tax Committee Special Workshop with Lunch: TIME TO OVERHAUL THE COMPANY ACT

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ECCT Tax Committee Special Workshop with Lunch: TIME TO OVERHAUL THE COMPANY ACT

2017-02-16       09:30 - 14:00      Committee Event / 委員會活動     
  • 本活動已經結束。

ECCT Tax Committee Special Workshop 
Time to Overhaul the Company Act 


1. Faung Kai-lin, Professor, NCCU
國立政治大學 方嘉麟教授
2. Chu Te-fang, Professor, NCCU
    國立政治大學 朱德芳教授
3. Vivian Ho, Tax Partner, KPMG
安侯建業聯合會計師事務所 何嘉容 稅務合夥人
4. Tseng Wang-ruu, Professor, NTU
    國立臺灣大學 曾宛如教授
5. Huang Ming-jye, Professor, NTU
    國立臺灣大學 黃銘傑教授
6. Chen Yen-liang , Professor, NTPU
國立臺北大學 陳彥良教授

Date : Thursday, 16th Febuary 2017

Time: Workshop at 10:00-12:00
Lunch at 12:20-14:00

Venue: 1F, Noble House, Regent Hotel
晶華酒店 1F 晶華會 

Further to the successful Workshop on Taiwan's new B2B e-Invoicing System held in December 2016, the ECCT's Tax committee is pleased to offer this important workshop to discuss the proposed overhaul of Taiwan's Company Act


The Company Act was enacted in 1966, and the last round of major amendments was made in 2001, more than 15 years ago. Since then, tremendous changes have occurred in Taiwan in terms of industrial development, demographic structure, as well as the international economic environment. Many challenges have arisen as a result, such as the transformation of industries, the emergence of micro e-commerce businesses, the aging population, the increasing importance of stakeholders, and environmental sustainability. Clearly, the Company Act has become outdated in the light of these changes and challenges, and a comprehensive overhaul is widely viewed as long overdue.

Fortunately, a "Steering Committee of Company Act Reform" (the Steering Committee) was initiated by a few devoted scholars and set up in February 2016 with more than 70 participants from multiple industries, government and universities to study each relevant topic extensively and propose amendments to the Company Act. After ten months of hard work and strenuous efforts, the Steering Committee has recently completed the big project and presented their report and recommendations.


To create awareness and establish a consensus among our members, the Tax committee has organized this special workshop and invited the key players in the Steering Committee to provide an overview of the following topics:

  1. How did it come about? – the background of the initiative and the reasons for an urgent overhaul of the Company Act
  2. What has been done? – the due process and approaches of the committee's study and the consideration of foreign laws
  3. What are the key proposed amendments? – a concise summary of the underlying principles and major proposed changes relevant to foreign operations and investments in Taiwan
  4. What has been the reaction of the government and the general public to the proposal?
  5. What can ECCT members do to provide feedback or render support?

The proposed overhaul of Company Act, if enacted, will affect all companies and investment activities of Taiwan. Thus, regardless of your company scale and industry type, we encourage you to join this workshop to catch up with the latest developments. More importantly, participants will be able to freely ask questions in the workshop and network with people facing similar issues.

* This event will be conducted in Chinese. 活動以中文進行。


Time Program Speakers
09:30 – 10:00 Registration --
10:00 – 10:05 Programme introduction Freddie Hoglund, ECCT CEO
10:05 – 10:15 Opening remarks
Introduction of speakers
Lorene Chen, Tax committee Co-Chair
10:15 – 11:15 Speech session 1 Guest speakers
11:15 – 11:25 Coffee Break --
11:25 – 12:20 Speech session 2 Guest speakers
12:20 – 12:45 Setting for lunch/Networking --
12:45 – 13:30 Lunch --
13:30 – 14:00 Moderator to lead guests in Q&A Lorene Chen, Tax Committee Co-Chair, guest speakers
About the speakers
Faung Kai-lin (方嘉麟) is currently a law professor at National Chengchi University (NCCU). She has over 25 years of experience in teaching and researching company law, business mergers and acquisitions (M&A) law and trusts. She received her JD degree from Columbia University (in the USA).Chu Te-fang (朱德芳) is currently a law professor at National Chengchi University (NCCU). She has extensive experience in teaching and researching corporate law, M&As and securities law. She received her JSD degree from the University of California, Berkeley (USA).

Vivian Ho (何嘉容) has over 20 years of experience in providing consulting and registration services for domestic and multinational companies. She received her master's degree from the University of London (UK). She is a certified public accountant and lawyer in Taiwan.

Tseng Wang-ruu (曾宛如) is currently a law professor at National Taiwan University (NTU). She has over 20 years of experience in teaching and researching corporate law, securities regulations, financial services law, conflict of laws and negotiable instruments. She received her PhD degree from the University of London (UK). She is a certified lawyer in Taiwan.

Huang Ming-jye (黃銘傑) is currently a law professor at National Taiwan University (NTU). He has over 20 years of experience in teaching and researching corporate law, corporate governance and the theory and practice of fair trade law. He received his PhD degree from National Hitotsubashi University (Japan).

Chen Yen-liang Chen (陳彥良) is currently a law professor at National Taipei University (NTPU). He has over 20 years of experience in teaching and researching company law, securities regulations, financial law and banking law. He received his PhD degree from the University of Mainz (Germany)

Cost per member: NT$2,500; member's guest: NT$2,900; Table of ten: NT$24,000
(This is a Workshop with Lunch included, your urge to book your seat(s)/ table(s) early to avoid disappointment.)

**To cancel without penalty, written cancellations must be received by Tuesday, 14th Febuary 2017
(the full rate will be charged for no-shows of cancellations after this date.)


Contact: Ms Salli Yueh / Tel 2740-0236 ext.219 /

Event Details

Date: 2017-02-16
Time: 09:30 - 14:00
Registration Deadline: 2017-02-15
Venue: 1F, Noble House, Regent Hotel / 晶華酒店 1F 晶華會
Address: No. 3, Lane 39, Section 2,Zhongshan North Road, , Taipei / 台北市中山北路二段39巷3號
Cost: NT$2,500 for members; NT$2,900 for members guest(s);
Contact: Ms Salli Yueh
Phone: 2740-0236 ext. 219