ECCT Webinar - EUCCC Position Paper briefing webinar
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ECCT Webinar
European Business in China Position Paper 2021/2022 briefing
Date: Monday, 27 December 2021
Time: 10:30 - 12:00 (Taipei time)
Venue: Sign-in instructions will be emailed to all registered participants prior to the webinar
Address: Sign-in instructions will be emailed to all registered participants prior to the webinar
Despite the many difficulties experienced in 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and increasing geopolitical tensions, European businesses in China did well overall, and remain firmly committed to the market. However, while business opportunities still remain, signs that China is turning inward—as can be seen in its 14th Five-year Plan’s (14FYP’s) aim to increase self-reliance, and even achieve self-sufficiency, in parts of the economy—are a real cause for concern. European companies are unsure about the extent to which they will be able to contribute to China’s future growth, with some fearing market exit, and there are now doubts over China’s future growth trajectory.
When Beijing first embarked upon bold reforms in the late 1970s, its economy was propelled forward at breath-taking speed. In the intervening four decades, however, reforms have vacillated as Beijing has struggled to solve the contradiction between achieving growth and maintaining control over the economy. The solution that appears to have been settled upon in order to address these seemingly irreconcilable propositions is ‘dual circulation’ theory—the core of the 14FYP—adherence to which will require China to deviate from the spirit of the 1970s reform and opening as it increasingly relies on its own companies to service its vast domestic market.
While China seems to currently accept the costs of pursuing such a course, the European Chamber believes that the damage it will cause to China’s economy in the long run will not be acceptable.
This event has been arranged to brief ECCT members on the European Business in China Position Paper 2021/2022 (Position Paper), released by the ECCT’s counterpart, the European Chamber of Commerce in China’s (EUCCC). Compiled by its 35 working groups and sub-working groups over a six-month period, the 930 constructive recommendations contained in the Position Paper illustrate both the depth of the challenges faced by European companies in China and their commitment to improving the business environment.
About the speakers
Bruno Weill has been the Chief Group Representative for China of BNP Paribas since November 2014. He contributes to the definition of the group’s strategy and coordinates all the activities of the group in China. He represents the group as a director or supervisor on the boards of most of BNP Paribas’ wholly owned legal entities and joint ventures in China. He is also the Group Executive Sponsor for a few of the group’s strategic clients in China. He has been with the BNP Paribas Group since 1989, starting as an Inspector with BNP Inspection Generale in Paris and joining Project Finance in 1993. Eventually he moved to Singapore and was promoted as Head of South East Asia and then Deputy Head Project Finance Asia, where he led the transformation of a small team into a department capable to originate, structure, lead-arrange and syndicate large complex projects. In 1999, he returned to Paris and was appointed as Global Senior Relationship Manager of large multinational companies. In 2004, he was named Head of Financial Institutions Group for Asia, Corporate and Investment Banking in BNP Paribas Hong Kong and led teams of investment bankers in seven countries.
Adam Dunnett is responsible for the overall implementation the European Chamber's objectives, visibility, membership and lobbying activities across its 7 chapters and 9 offices in China (Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Shenyang and Tianjin). Adam joined the Chamber originally in 2006 as the senior business manager. He later served as general manager, Beijing, and since 2012, as the secretary general. Adam first came to China in 1999 and worked as a commercial officer at the Canadian Embassy. He holds dual British and Canadian citizenship and an M.A. in International Development from the International University of Japan.
NT$ 400 for members; NT$ 400 for members' guest(s)
To cancel without penalty, written cancellations must be received 24 hours prior to the event.
Contact: Fiona Lee / Tel 2740-0236 ext.216 / fiona.lee@ecct.com.tw / www.ecct.com.tw