
[Fully Booked] ECCT Human Resource Committee Lunch : Implementation of regulations on working hours

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[Fully Booked] ECCT Human Resource Committee Lunch : Implementation of regulations on working hours

2016-06-23       12:00 - 14:00      Committee Lunch / 委員會午餐會      Speaker:Dr Tzou Tzu-lien
  • 本活動已經結束。
[This Event is Fully Booked]
ECCT Human Resource Committee Lunch 
Implementation of regulations on working hours
Practical advice for companies on how to demonstrate compliance

Guest speaker
Dr Tzou Tzu-lien, Director, Taipei Labour Inspection Office 

12:00 – 14:00, Thursday, 23 June 2016
Metro Suite (B1), Far Eastern Plaza Hotel / 香格里拉台北遠東國際大飯店 大都會(B1)
201 Tun Hwa South Road, Section 2, Taipei / 台北市敦化南路二段201號  MAP

Since the implementation of amendments to the Labour Standards Law on 1 January 2016 many employers have struggled to demonstrate their compliance. According to the new rules, employees in Taiwan may work for a maximum of eight hours a day or 40 hours per week. In addition, employers are required to keep and maintain attendance records, accurate to the minute, for five years. Given that many companies do not request employees to punch in and out or record their working hours, it has been a challenge for them to prove to authorities that they are in compliance with the law. Even companies that have complied with the law have been subject to fines from labour inspectors for not providing the correct paperwork.

At this event our guest speaker will give a detailed explanation of what employers need to do to ensure compliance with the Taipei Labour Inspection Office's interpretation of the Labour Standards Law, including the processes, form and type of documents the labour inspection office requires.

Among other subjects, the speaker will address the following:

  • Conditions and priority criteria for inspections (according to organization or company)
  • Overview of inspection standards and inspection officers
  • How companies should record daily attendance records
  • How inspection officers define employee overtime work and how this should be recorded
  • How companies can appeal if they do not concur with the results of labour inspections.
About the speaker
Dr Tzou Tzu-lien has been the Director of the Taipei Labor Inspection Office since October 2011. He has over 25 years' experience in labour-related government administration, both in municipal and national government agencies. From 2010-2011, he was one of the members of a delegation representing Taiwan at the WorldSkills International (WSI) in London. He holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering from Loughborough University in the UK, a master's degree in risk management from the University of Sheffield in the UK and a master's degree in applied geology from National Central University in Taiwan.Please note: This event will be conducted in Mandarin

NT$1,400 for members; NT$2,000 for members' guest(s)
*Please note that, effective from 1 January 2016, the price of ECCT lunch events has been raised by NT$100 owing to increased charges by hotels.

To Cancel without penalty, written cancellations must be received 24 hours prior to the event.
Contact: Jenny Wu / Tel 2740-0236 ext.219 / /

Event Details

Date: 2016-06-23
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Registration Deadline: 2016-06-22
Venue: Metro Suite (B1), Far Eastern Plaza Hotel / 香格里拉台北遠東國際大飯店 大都會廳 (B1)
Address: 201 Tun Hwa South Road, Section 2, Taipei / 台北市敦化南路二段201號
Cost: NT$1,400 for members; NT$2,000 for members guest(s);
Contact: Jenny Wu
Phone: 2740-0236 ext. 219