
[Fully Booked!] ECCT PREMIUM EVENT: 2016 Christmas Lunch

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[Fully Booked!] ECCT PREMIUM EVENT: 2016 Christmas Lunch

2016-12-02       12:00 - 14:00      Premium Event / 菁英午餐會     
  • 本活動已經結束。

[This event is fully booked]

Come and join us for a first taste of Christmas after the 11:00 ECCT AGM in the adjoining room


Featuring: Festive European fare, a performance by the Taipei European SchoolChoir, warm Mulled Wine (aka gluhwein or glogg) sponsored by IKEA , Gifts from Wendel's and Gift Exchange

12:00-14:00, Friday, 2 December 2016
Grand Hall, 5F, Palais de Chine / 台北君品酒店5樓 亮廳
3 Chengde Road, Section 1, Taipei City / 台北市承德路一段3號
Christmas is arriving early again this year at the ECCT. As has become tradition, the ECCT's Christmas Lunch will be a lively celebration complete with a feast of festive fare and Christmas goodies.

Back by popular demand, this year's lunch reception will start off with warm mulled wine (known as "Gluhwein" to Germans & Austrians or "Glogg" in Scandinavian countries). This will be followed by a feast featuring some of the best European festive fare. The main course will be the British favourite of roast turkey with roast potatoes, accompanied by fine wine.

In keeping with tradition, guests will be entertained by a performance of the Taipei European School's angelic children's choir, who will sing Christmas carols. Later, Santa will drop in from Lapland for a pre-Christmas visit. He'll be bringing a sack full of Christmas gifts for the children.

They say that it is better to give than to receive. In this generous spirit of Christmas, this year for the first time, we will be having a gift exchange for guests. We encourage all guests to bring along a wrapped gift. While we don't want to discourage generosity, please don't be too generous (the value of gifts should be around NT$500).

Members are welcome to bring along their spouse, partners, friends and colleagues to join in the fun. Don't miss this, the most festive of Christmas parties that is sure to keep you in the Christmas spirit all the way until Christmas.

Special thanks to:
Cost per member: NT$2,200; member's guest: NT$2,600; table of ten: NT$21,000

*Since the ECCT Christmas Lunch is a very popular event, we urge you to book your seat(s)/ table(s) early to avoid disappointment.
**To cancel without penalty, written cancellations must be received by Tuesday,29 November 2016 (the full rate will be charged for no-shows of cancellations after this date.)

Contact: Ms Lucy Huang / Tel 2740-0236 ext.214 /

Event Details

Date: 2016-12-02
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Registration Deadline: 2016-12-01
Venue: Grand Hall, 5F, Palais de Chine / 台北君品酒店5樓 亮廳
Address: 3 Chengde Road, Section 1, Taipei City / 台北市承德路一段3號
Cost: NT$2,200 for members; NT$2,600 for members guest(s);
Contact: Ms Lucy Huang
Phone: Tel 2740-0236 ext.214