[Event Postponed] Healthcare Enhancement Committee Event - Lunch with MOHW Vice Minister Dr Shih Chung-Liang 衛福部次長石崇良午餐會
- 本活動已經結束。

Healthcare Enhancement Committee Luncheon
Outlook for precision and smart health
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. We will endeavour to reschedule the event for next year.
Guest speaker
Dr Shih Chung-Liang, Vice Minister, Ministry of Health & Welfare (MOHW) 衛生福利部常務次長石崇良
Date: November 3, Wednesday, 2021
Time: 12:00-14:00
Venue: Mandarin ballroom I, Mandarin Oriental Taipei / 台北文華東方酒店文華廳一
Address: 158 Dunhua North Road, Taipei, Taiwan /台北市松山區敦化北路158號
Precision health integrates molecular medical advancements, digital technology, and big data to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of every aspect of healthcare from prevention to screening, diagnosis, treatment, and after-care. This will become increasingly important as a way to optimise the use of limited medical resources as populations age, which will result in an increase in non-communicable diseases. The coronavirus pandemic has also highlighted the usefulness and potential of using digital technology, such as 5G, artificial intelligence (AI), and big data to enable smart and remote healthcare as a way to avoid direct contact. Yet, an essential enabler of precision and smart healthcare is access to de-personalised patient data for healthcare professionals to study and analyse. However, existing laws and regulations restrict access to Taiwan’s healthcare data to academic research institutions. Should access to de-personalised data be opened up, there is enormous potential for collaboration between academia, medical institutions, and industry to develop breakthrough drugs, personalised medicine, and truly smart healthcare.
Among other topics at this event the speaker will address following:
- The current status and development potential of precision and smart health in Taiwan
- The government’s future plans and the MOHW’s smart health priorities
- The MOHW’s expectations for hospitals to develop precision and smart health
- Will the government consider loosening restrictions on patient data to encourage more collaboration with international companies in the future?
About the speaker
Dr Shih Chung-liang has been the vice minister of the MOHW since September 2020. Early in his career, he was an Attending Physician in Emergency Medicine at National Taiwan University Hospital. He went on to work as Medical Secretary at Taoyuan General Hospital and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore before going on to work for the MOHW, where previous positions have included Director of the Department of Planning and, immediately prior to his current position, Director-General of the Department of Medical Affairs. He holds a PhD from the Institute of Health Policy and Management at National Taiwan University and an MD from Kaohsiung Medical University.
This event has been arranged under the umbrella of the Technology and Future Industries Domain, as part of the ECCT’s efforts to streamline advocacy, networking and information sharing activities under three overarching cross-industry themes of: 1) Taiwan’s Energy Transformation, 2) Talent & Education and 3) Technology or Future Industries.
NT$1600 for members and NT$2200 for members' guest(s)
*To cancel without penalty, written cancellations must be received by Nov 1, 2021.
Contact: Page Tsai / Tel: 2740-0236 ext. 228 / page.tsai@ecct.com.tw