NTU Yunlin Branch - Offshore Wind Talent Training Center Opening Ceremony 國立臺灣大學離岸風力發電產業人才及技術培育計畫-啟動記者會
- 本活動已經結束。
ECCT Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) Event
)NTU Yunlin Branch - Offshore Wind Talent Training Center Opening Ceremony
Date: 5 Sept. 2023
Time: 11:30-13:50 (Reception starts at 11:00)
Venue: 1F, Yunlin Branch, National Taiwan University 台灣大學雲林校區1樓鋤禾館
Address: No. 8, Xuefu W. Rd., Huwei Township, Yunlin County 雲林縣虎尾鎮學府西路8號
Organizers: National Taiwan University 國立台灣大學, Ministry of Education 教育部, Yunlin County Government 雲林縣政府, ECCT Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) 低碳倡議行動
Registration Link
On 5 September, the National Taiwan University 國立台灣大學 will organize the "NTU Yunlin Branch: Offshore Wind Talent Training Center Opening Ceremony (國立臺灣大學離岸風力發電產業人才及技術培育計畫-啟動記者會)" in collaboration with the Ministry of Education (教育部), Yunlin County Government (雲林縣政府), ECCT Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) (低碳倡議行動).
NTU establishes a cross-disciplinary platform for industry-academia-government-research collaboration by effectively integrating resources and creating a comprehensive domestic ecosystem and industrial chain for the offshore wind power industry. This platform aims to promote localized industry development, enhance industrial technological capabilities and international competitiveness, and further progress towards a net-zero transformation. The VIPs invited to this event include Chang Li-Shan, Yunlin Magistrate (雲林縣縣長張麗善), Pan Wen-Chung, MoE Minister (教育部部長潘文忠), Dr. Chen Wen-Chang, NTU President (台大校長陳文章), and Dr. Chiang Mao-Hsiung, NTU Dean of Engineering College (台大工學院院長江茂雄博士), Alex Robertson, ECCT Board Director&Vestas Offshore Wind Taiwan Country Manager & Vice President (歐洲在臺商務協會理事&台灣維特斯離岸風電股份有限公司總經理林正光), and other key officials of the Yunlin Municipality.
To sign up for the event, please kindly fill out the google form. For further information, please contact 陳維倫 Rolla Chen from NTU at wenluen@ntu.edu.tw / 0922-122-395.
*This event is open to the ECCT members and members' guests only. 本活動之報名僅開放歐洲商會會員及其所邀請賓客。
*The organizers reserve the right to amend the agenda and speakers. 主辦單位有權更改活動議程。