PLANET-FRIENDLY EATING & LIVING PLATFORM LUNCH-Tackling the global obesity and diabetes epidemic:The latest medical innovations and advice on diet and lifestyle habits
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Tackling the global obesity and diabetes epidemic
The latest medical innovations and advice on diet and lifestyle habits
Featuring a tasty, healthy, planet-friendly menu
Guest speaker
Professor Wang Chih-yuan, Attending Physician, Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital
12:00 – 14:00, Thursday, 29 August 2019
Venue: 3F, Dragon Hall, The Howard Plaza Hotel Taipei /台北福華飯店三樓金龍廳
Address: 160 Ren Ai Rd., Sec.3, Taipei, Taiwan /台北市仁愛路三段160號
Since 1990, the number of people living with type 2 diabetes has doubled. If the 393 million people living with the disease were a nation, it would be the third most populous on earth. The dramatic rise in type 2 diabetes has been driven by many factors including the simple fact that humans are living longer than ever before. But other drivers can be recognised and addressed, including the impact that increasing urbanisation is having on the lifestyles of people around the world and the resulting rise of obesity, a primary risk factor for type 2 diabetes. If current trends continue, one in nine adults could have type 2 diabetes by 2045.
The human cost of diabetes cannot be understated. Each year, the disease leads to the death of four million people. That’s the equivalent of one person every eight seconds, half of whom are under the age of 60. Diabetes is also the world’s sixth leading cause of disability owing to its complications including amputations and blindness.
The economic burden of the disease impacts upon countries, healthcare systems and people with diabetes and their families. Healthcare expenditure on the disease is estimated to eclipse US$750 million each year, largely driven by the same complications that shorten the working lives of many people with diabetes, further impacting upon economies.
Because the number of people living with type 2 diabetes continues to rise, so too does the cost. By 2045, it is estimated that diabetes healthcare expenditure will be more than US$1 trillion.
At this event our guest speaker will talk about trends, medical innovations, the main risk factors for type 2 diabetes and offer lifestyle advice on how to limit their chances of getting type 2 diabetes. Among other topics our speaker will talk about:
• Global obesity and diabetes trends
• The latest innovations in diabetes treatments
• The best diet to limit the chances of getting type 2 diabetes: what types of foods to avoid and what to eat more of
• Lifestyle advice on the right balance of exercise and stress avoidance
• The role of governments and corporations in tackling obesity and diabetes and best practice examples.
About the speaker
Professor Wang Chih-yuan is the Attending Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine at National Taiwan University (NTU) Hospital and Associate Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, at NTU Hospital. He is an expert on diabetes, endocrinology and metabolism and has been working with the Endocrinology Society and Diabetes Association of the Republic of China since 1995. He was the Secretary General of the Endocrinology Society of the Republic of China from 1995-1998 and has been the Secretary General of The Taiwan Association of Diabetic Educators, Taiwan since 2014. He has been widely published in medical journals and is also on the Education Committee of The Society of Ultrasound in Medicine, Taiwan, and Editor of the Journal of Medical Ultrasound (West Pacific) and Executive Editor of the Journal of Internal Medicine of Taiwan, Taiwan. Prior to his current position, Dr Wang was Chief of Endocrinology and Metabolism at Far-Eastern Memorial Hospital (FEMH, from 2001-2010), Chief of FEMH’s Department of Internal Medicine (from 2006-2010), Chief of FEHM’s Center of Faculty Development (2007-2008) and Chief of FEMH’s Clinical Trial Center (2008-2010). He holds an MD from Chung-Shan Medical University, a PhD from NTU (in Physiology) and an MBA from NTU’s Graduate Institute of Business Administration.
About the Planet-Friendly Eating & Living Platform (PEL) Platform
In response to the need for global health, food security and sustainability solutions, the mission of the PEL Platform is to help corporations and individuals make informed choices regarding their health and also the health of the planet by sharing information and raising awareness about nutrition, healthy lifestyles and choices and ways to mitigate the impact of human agricultural and food-related activities on the environment. The PEL Platform actively promotes planet-friendly diets, exercise and living habits that maintain and enhance the health of people and safeguard the environment by minimising the impact of humans and restoring ecological balance. Under the platform, activities are arranged that highlight innovative research, environmental, social and business trends and showcase the best solutions and practices for:
• Producing and distributing nutritious food that has the lowest possible impact on the environment;
• Enhancing physical and mental health and well-being by promoting healthy lifestyle choices;
• Promoting sustainable, planet-friendly consumption habits.
The PEL Platform welcomes contributions and case sharing from corporations, government, social enterprises, foundations and other non-profit organisations. All activities are designed to attract the widest possible participation by all stakeholders and the general public.
NT$1,400 for members and NT$2,000 for members' guest(s)
*To cancel without penalty, written cancellations must be received 24 hours prior to the event.
Contact: Fiona Lee / Tel: 2740-0236 ext. 215 / fiona.lee@ecct.com.tw / www.ecct.com.tw