
Premium Event: Hosted In Association With The Taipei City Government-Lunch with Mayor Hau Lung-bin

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Premium Event: Hosted In Association With The Taipei City Government-Lunch with Mayor Hau Lung-bin

2013-03-08       12:00 - 14:00      Premium Event / 菁英午餐會      Speaker:Dr Hau Lung-bin
  • 本活動已經結束。


Hosted In Association With The Taipei City Government
Lunch with Mayor Hau Lung-bin

Guest speaker
Dr Hau Lung-bin, Mayor, Taipei City Government

The annual round table lunch with the Taipei City Government offers an exclusive opportunity for ECCT members to meet the mayor, deputy mayors and senior cabinet officials in person to discuss issues of concern. Following the popularity and success of last year's event, the same format will be adopted for the event this year. The event will be open only to ECCT members. Mayor Hau will give a short briefing to guests on his plans for the forthcoming year and beyond after which a round-table lunch will be held where members can raise questions or discuss issues of concern.
Mayor Hau's vision is to build smart and sustainable infrastructure for the 21st century and improve the quality of life for Taipei residents. Among other subjects, in his speech Mayor Hau will talk about:

  •  2017 Universiade in Taipei 2017臺北世界大學運動會
  •  2016 World Design Capital 2016世界設計之都
  •  Taipei International Airport Project  臺北國際航空城
  •  Twin Tower Project 臺北雙子星大樓
  •  Low Carbon Initiatives and Green City Development 低碳方案及綠色城市發展 Wireless project for Taipei City 臺北公共區免費無 線上網推動成果
  •  Enhancement of the hospitality industry in Taipei 臺北市觀光產業
  •  Better living in Taipei 更好的台北生活

Mayor Hau will bring along a full delegation of TCG officials who will be present and seated among members at the event. Members will be able to directly raise issues facing their business related to finance, transportation, health (pharmaceutical, hygiene and safety), infrastructure and procurement, environment and tourism among others.
1. Dr. Lung-Bin Hau, Mayor of Taipei City 郝市長龍斌
2. Mr. Hsiung-Wen Chen, Deputy Mayor, TCG 陳副市長雄文
3. Dr. Tim T.Y. Ting, Deputy Mayor, TCG 丁副市長庭宇
4. Dr. Dah-Jan Chiou, Commissioner, Department of Finance, and Executive Director of Economic Development Commission, Taipei City 財政局暨經濟發展委員會執行長邱局長大展
5. Mr. Chin-Ling Ho, Commissioner, Department of Sports 體育局何局長金樑
6. Dr. Wei-Gong Liou, Commissioner, Department of Cultural Affairs 文化局劉局長維公
7. Mr. Richard C.L. Chen, Commissioner, Department of Rapid Transit Systems 捷運局陳局長椿亮
8. Dr. Yuh-Chyurn Ding, Commissioner, Department of Urban Development 都市發展局丁局長育群
9. Mr. Sheng-Chung Wu, Commissioner, Department of Environmental Protection 環境保護局吳局長盛忠
10. Mr. Ter-Tsun Chan, Commissioner, Department of Information Technology 資訊局詹局長德存
11. Ms. Hsin-Ping Chao, Commissioner, Department of Information & Tourism 觀光傳播局趙局長心屏

To register, please fill out the form and send to ECCT office via FAX (02) 2772-0530

NT$1,300 for members; NT$1,900 for members' guest(s)
To cancel without penalty, written cancellations must be received 24 hours prior to the event.
Contact: Fiona Lee / Tel 2740-0236 ext. 15 / /

Event Details

Date: 2013-03-08
Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Registration Deadline: 2013-03-07
Venue: 4F VIP Room 1 , The Regent Taipei Hotel / 台北晶華酒店第一貴賓廳
Address: No. 41, Section 2, Zhongshan North Rd, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, 104, Taipei /台北市中山北路二段41號
Cost: NT$1,300 for members; NT$1,900 for members guest(s);
Contact: Fiona Lee
Phone: 2740-0236 Ext. 15