Smart IoT Taiwan 2019 台灣國際智慧物聯網應用論壇
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Smart IoT Taiwan 2019 | 21-23 August 2019
台灣國際智慧物聯網應用論壇 | 2019年8月21-23日
Event Website Summit Agenda | 活動網站 論壇議程
Summit Venue: Kaohsiung Exhibition Center - N1 (No.39, Chenggong 2nd Road, Qianzhen Dist., Kaohsiung , Taiwan 高雄展覽館N1區主舞台, 高雄市前鎮區成功二路39號)
Organizer: Bureau of Foreign Trade, MOEA; Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) 經濟部國貿局,外貿協會
Co-organizer: ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) 歐洲商會低碳倡議行動
Taiwan is committed to developing a digital and innovation-driven economy and offers flexible and comprehensive solutions for industry, supply chains and innovative talent pools. On this journey toward smart cities, 2019 Smart IoT Taiwan Expo & Summit will work closely with stakeholders from across industries, government-related entities, startups and academia, to shape and build the shared vision for a smarter tomorrow. In the three-day summit forum, executives and experts from Smart IoT industry, such as Siemens Mobility, Thales, STMicroelectronics, Taiwan International Ports Corporation (TIPC), Signify (Philips Lighting), and TÜV Rheinland are invited as speakers to share their technical capabilities and future roadmaps in developing smart cities.
近年來全球物聯網應用商業模式不斷創新,所衍生之智慧城市建設商機無窮,國內五大電信業者也因此廣納近千家企業一同打造物聯網生態圈,異業結盟橫跨運輸、醫療、製造、環境監測、零售等產業。有鑑於此,由經濟部國際貿易局及中華民國對外貿易發展協會主辦,並由歐洲商會低碳倡議行動所協辦的「2019年台灣國際智慧物聯網應用展」訂於8月21日至23日在高雄展覽館盛大舉辦,將提供國內業者與國際重量級買主商洽媒合的絕佳機會。 該展聚焦6大展區,涵蓋「智慧運輸與軌道」、「智慧醫療與長照」、「智慧零售與物流」、「智慧防災與環境治理」、「體感科技」。3天展期同時辦理高峰論壇,與會貴賓涵蓋交通部、經濟部、科技部、高雄捷運局、西門子(Siemens)、達利思(Thales)、意法半導體 (STMicroelectronics)、台灣港務公司 (TIPC)、昕諾飛 (Signify) (原飛利浦照明)、德國萊因公司 (TÜV Rheinland)等產官學專家分享政策及產業實務經驗,精彩可期。
*Please register on 2019 Smart IoT Taiwan's website. Any registration made on ECCT's website is invalid.