
(Updated) ECCT PREMIUM EVENT- 2017 ECCT EU-Taiwan Telecom Forum

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(Updated) ECCT PREMIUM EVENT- 2017 ECCT EU-Taiwan Telecom Forum

2017-04-18       08:00 - 14:00      Premium Event / 菁英午餐會     
  • 本活動已經結束。


IoT Vision for the New Digital Economy


Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Shangrila Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, B1 East Gate / 香格里拉台北遠東國際大飯店 B1 怡東廳

Organizer: ECCT, NCC國家通訊傳播委員會, Ericsson 台灣愛立信, Nokia Taiwan 台灣諾基亞


Ericsson台灣愛立信, Nokia Taiwan 台灣諾基亞, Chunghwa Telecom 中華電信, Fareastone 遠傳電信, Gandi 管地有限公司,  Shangri-la's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel 香格里拉台北國際大飯店

The EU-Taiwan Telecom Forum is the largest and most prominent business forum for the telecom industry hosted biannually by the ECCT. This year's forum will bring together telecom industry experts, senior regulatory officials and executives from companies operating in all sectors of the telecom industry and supply chain including all major telecom operators and equipment suppliers.

The purpose of the half day forum is for government and industry experts from Europe and Taiwan to share information on regulations and best practices, as well as discuss trends and business opportunities in the telecommunications field. The theme and focus of the 2017 will be on the future prospects and development of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the digital economy.

Speakers will include Taiwanese and European regulators, industry experts and scholars while the forum's audience will include European and Taiwanese business leaders (including senior executives from the local operators as well as Taiwanese manufacturers and technology providers), senior government officials and representatives of EU institutes and trade offices. The forum will be of interest to members engaged in all aspects of the TMC industries and its support services.

ROC government officials attending will include representatives from the National Communications Commission (NCC), the Ministry of Transportation and Communication (MoTC), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Development Council (NDC).

For a full programme of events, please see below chart.

The ECCT would like to thank the following sponsors for their support in making this event possible:

Time時間 Speaker 講者 Topic 主題
08:30-09:00 Registration 報到
09:00-09:15 Mr. Hakan Cervell
European Chamber of Commerce Taiwan
Opening remarks
Ms. Nicole Chan詹婷怡
National Communications Commission
Ms. Viktoria Lovenberg
Deputy Head
European Economic and Trade Office
09:15-09:40 Mr. Philipp Barth
Head of the CONNECT Section
EU Delegation to China, representing the European Commission's Directorate-General CONNECT
IoT policy in Europe
09:40-10:05 Mr. Kam Eng Liang
APAC Regional Sales Manager,
Telenor Connexion
IoT Transformation for companies and Operators
10:05-10:15 Coffee Break中場休息
10:15-10:40 Ms. Martina Francesca Ferracane
Research Associate - DTE Project Manager
European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE)
Data Security on IoT and cross-industry challenges
10:40-11:05 Dr. Tsai, Zse hong 蔡志宏教授
National Taiwan University &
Research Fellow, Board of Science and Technology, Executive Yuan
DIGI+: The Digital Nation & Innovative Economic Development Program


Mr. Thomas Kuiper 唐古柏
General Manager (Asia) 管地有限公司
Threats to businesses in an increasingly connected world
11:25-11:30 All speakers prepare to join panel discussion  請所有演講者參與專題討論
11:30-12:00 Forum Speakers Panel Discussion專題討論
12:15-14:00 Lunch 午餐

NT$2,300 for members; NT$2,800 for members' guest(s) 
Table of ten: NT$22,000

Contact: Salli Yueh / / 02-27400236 #219

"This is a Forum with Lunch included, your urge to book your seat(s)/ table(s) early to avoid disappointment."

**To cancel without penalty, written cancellations must be received by Monday, 17th April 2017
(the full rate will be charged for no-shows of cancellations after this date.)

Event Details

Date: 2017-04-18
Time: 08:00 - 14:00
Registration Deadline: 2014-04-17
Venue: Shangrila Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, B1 East Gate / 香格里拉台北遠東國際大飯店 B1 怡東廳
Address: B1 East Gate, 201 Tun Hwa South Road, Section 2, Taipei, 10675, Taiwan / 台北市敦化南路二段201號B1,怡東園
Cost: NT$2,300 for members; NT$2,800 for members guest(s);
Contact: Salli Yueh
Phone: 2740-0236 ext. 219