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LCI New Member: Veolia Group 法國威立雅環境集團


Veolia group aims to become the benchmark company for ecological transformation. Present on five continents with nearly 218,000 employees, the Group designs and deploys useful, practical solutions for the management of water, waste and energy that are contributing to a radical turnaround of the current situation. Through its three complementary activities, Veolia helps to develop access to resources, to preserve available resources and to renew them.

In 2023, the Veolia group provided 113 million inhabitants with drinking water and 103 million with sanitation, produced 42 million megawatt hours of energy and treated 63 million tonnes of waste. Veolia Environnement (Paris Euronext: VIE) achieved consolidated revenue of 45,351 million euros in 2023.

EOLIA Taiwan

More than 30 years and occupies an important position of Taiwan Environmental Industry .

Key figures

1,100 employees 2.2  Million tones of non-hazardous waste treated
1,260 GWh Electricity generated a year 158 Million M3 of wastewater reclaimed

usiness Activities

     9 Waste-to-Energy Plants

     9 Water Operation contracts

     2 Recovery of liquid and hazardous waste Plants

    32 Soil Remediation sites in operation 

     5  Wastewater Zero Liquid Discharge Projects

     4  Seawater Desalination projects 

140+ Clients have benefit from Veolia Water Solution and Technologies

To find more information, please visit: Corporate Social Responsibility