Implementation of regulations on working hours
On 23 June 2016 the ECCT's Human Resources committee hosted a lunch on the topic "Implementation of regulations on working hours - Practical advice for companies on how to demonstrate compliance" with ...
EU-Taiwan Advanced Vehicle Safety Technologies Forum
On 16 June the ECCT co-organised the full-day EU-Taiwan Advanced Vehicle Safety Technologies Forum together with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MoTC), the Vehicle Safety Certificat ...
Potential benefits of a Taiwan-Swiss FTA
On 14 June the ECCT arranged a Special Lunch with guest speaker Dr Patrick Ziltener, Associate Professor, University of Zurich.
2016 Europe Day Dinner
The ECCT's 2016 Europe Day Dinner was held on 7 June with the theme "Striving Together for a Better Taiwan". The dinner was attended by over 700 distinguished guests including President Tsai Ying-wen, ...
European Innovation Week
The ECCT participated in a number of activities from 30 May to 3 June 2016 that were part of European Innovation Week (EIW), a series of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-focused events. ...
LCI lunch with Taipei City commissioners
The ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) hosted a lunch together with SEMI Taiwan featuring two Taipei City Government (TCG) commissioners and a chief engineer to talk about the city's plans for smart p ...
LCI participates in WCIT forum
On 27 May, the ECCT's Low Carbon Initiative (LCI) supported the Industrial Development Bureau, under the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MoEA) to hold a kick-off forum ahead of 2017 World Congress on In ...
ECCT visit to the Maritime and Port Bureau
On 25 May an ECCT delegation led by CEO Freddie Hoglund and members of the ECCT's Customs and Logistics committee visited the Maritime and Port Bureau under the Ministry of Transportation and Communic ...
PwC's annual CEO survey & international tax trends
The ECCT's Tax committee hosted a lunch with speaker Peter Su, Director of International Tax Services at PWC in Taiwan. The speaker provided insights from PwC's Annual Global CEO Survey, now in its ni ...
ECCT trip to Penghu
On 13 May 2016 a delegation of 30 ECCT members and staff led by Chairman Bernd Barkey and CEO Freddie Hoglund took a day-long excursion to the main island of Penghu. The trip was part of the ECCT's on ...